Source: David Livingston / Getty Loni Love Describes What Happened The Night Tamera’s Niece Was Murdered Loni Love revealed on a recent airing of “The Real” that she was there for her friend and colleague Tamera on the night her niece’s life was taken. Loni spoke to the viewers candidly, saying she thought Tamera butt-dialed her and she didn’t pick up at first. Eventually, Loni knew something was wrong and answered. The entire night she says Tamera was calling every hospital she could and Adam Housely actually went to the crime scene. Adrienne read a letter from Tamera to Loni, thanking her for being a real friend and giving her hope even when hope was lost…hit play.
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Grab A Tissue: Loni Love Says She Was With Tamera The Night Her Deceased Niece Went Missing [Video]