Tag Archives: nipples-nudity

Camille Rowe by Guy Aroch of the Day

I am guessing that Camille Rowe, fashion model, who gets naked a lot, is in the new iteration of Playboy where they don’t get naked, but are already going as far as they can with their non nudity, which seems to be pretty implied nudity, I can see her fucking nipples nudity, since it’s the dumbest marketing strategy the magazine that was built on hot girls getting naked could do, all in efforts to land ad dollars..pretty fucking lame reason for anything… Own your brand. Own your concept. Skirting on the fine line of “nude” is just lamer than girls trying to not get pics reported on instagram…meaning Playboy doesn’t even need to exist anymore – since they don’t do nudity – I can see 1000 filtered pics of girls as naked as they can get without being naked everyday. Get it together you idiots.. I’ll just be staring at every old pic of hot model Camille Rowe Naked I’ve posted on this site over the years for companies not called PLAYBOY… The post Camille Rowe by Guy Aroch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Camille Rowe by Guy Aroch of the Day