Tag Archives: normal-looking

Drugs Are Bad M’Kay: A Gallery Of Mangled Mugshots From Crystal Meth Misfits [Crazy Before And After Pics!]

Have you ever wanted to try crystal meth? Here’s 10 reasons not to. A Gallery Of Pictures Of Crystal Meth Addicts For some inexplicable reason, crystal meth has become the drug of choice amongst a particular circle of folks in America. Aside from the fact that the drug does terrible things to your body (internally AND externally), just the fact that you can die even attempting to MAKE it is enough reason to keep us the hell away. However… Perhaps you have seen people who look like THIS walking around your town and wondered (quietly or aloud) “What the F**K happened to HER?!?” Well, these folks didn’t always look this run-down and raggedy… Hit the flip to see how the most normal looking (we use the term “normal” very loosely) people can end up looking like an extra on The Walking Dead . Images via Fox 5 San Diego

Drugs Are Bad M’Kay: A Gallery Of Mangled Mugshots From Crystal Meth Misfits [Crazy Before And After Pics!]