Tag Archives: not-actively

Rihanna’s Shitty Topless Pic of the Day

This is probably the least erotic topless pic I’ve seen in a very long time….and I am actually back into Rihanna….I go through waves of thinking she’s annoying…and thinking she’s shitty looking….to thinking she’s got a rockin body, great round ass and nice little titties…it is an inconsistent thing…we have an on again off again one sided love affair that has yet to be masturbated to, cuz she’s not that awesome….but I can say I am really not feeling these leggings…and no top…to celebrate Chris Brown deleting his twitter after threatening to shit in a girls eye, which I thought was a step up from punching a girl in the eye….if anything they are awkward and make me feel like I just walked in on her getting her eye shit into…and that’s all I gotta say about that…

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Rihanna’s Shitty Topless Pic of the Day

Tyra Banks Looking Pretty Alright in Cosmo South Africa of the Day

I forgot Tyra Banks existed….I guess her show got cancelled cuz there have been no overly honest awkward video clips of her for a long time…..and I guess she’s old and American media don’t really care about her now that she’s not actively walking runways in lingerie or on Fresh Prince of Bel Air….but South Africa has stepped up, and either pulled some archival footage of her, or photoshopped her nicely…reminding me why she mattered so many years ago….it was cuz of her tits…

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Tyra Banks Looking Pretty Alright in Cosmo South Africa of the Day