Tag Archives: not-drinking

Lindsay Lohan Finally Gets Some Work

Here’s Lindsay Lohan at Millions of Milkshakes with her sister the other day creating her very own signature milkshake. I don’t know how this milkhake shop gets all these washed up celebrities to come by, but I’m not drinking anything made by Lindsay Lohan . That thing’s a nice shade of brown so I bet the ingredients include ice cream, some of her awful tanning cream and obviously a whole lot of booze. No thank you. more pictures of Lindsay Lohan here

Diddy Pisses Off Competition, Sparks Vodka War

“If you’re not drinking Ciroc vodka, then you’re drinking pee-pee.” It’s not exactly a feud of East Coast/West Coast caliber, but believe it or not, those oddly…

Diddy Pisses Off Competition, Sparks Vodka War