Tag Archives: not-flashing

Awkward Cleavage of the Day

I want to start a new feature here, but I’ve got a feeling it’s just gonna be a one time deal, but I guess only time will tell, even though my procrastination and inconsistency, and ability to never follow through seem to be pretty good indicators that it’s never coming back, so take it in, love it and live it, called AWKWARD CLEAVAGE …. I have no idea who this woman is….and I actually mean that…because I feel saying “I have no idea who this is” is an overused blog expression that people need to stop using so liberally cuz it takes away from it when it’s reality… She’s at an Eva Longoria event, and either she’s got a bra doing some weirdness to her tits, or she’s just got weird tits, whether they are real or not, they are fascinating to look at in confustion… And that concludes the new, possibly last AWKWARD CLEAVAGE feature…

Awkward Cleavage of the Day

Maria Menounos in Shorts From the Side of the Day

Here are some pictures of Maria Menounos not flashing her Unscathed because greeks like anal, bikini “accidentally” slipped to the side vagina …. but there’s still something amazing about her…but then again maybe I’m just saying that cuz I just stared at the VAGINA PICTURE and I’m only using this post as an excuse to get all of you to relive that glorious day in her career….and if vagina isn’t your thing you can just stare at her in shorts from the side….here are the pics…

Read the rest here:
Maria Menounos in Shorts From the Side of the Day

Jennifer Aniston’s Hotness Is Losing Momentum

Here’s Jennifer Aniston at yet another Bounty Hunter premiere looking well, like she always looks, plain. I’m starting to get a little sick of this, everywhere I look there’s Jennifer just standing there in a boring dress, not flashing any cleavage, not giving us a peek up her skirt, not even licking her lips or making sexy faces… Just standing there. She’s so dull, no wonder she can’t keep a man. I bet in bed she just lies there like a starfish. Not that I wouldn’t want to have my way with that starfish, but she needs to spice things up a little. We know she’s got a good body, we’ve seen it in her bikini , give us something. Even just a tighter dress… Anything, I’m begging you.