Tag Archives: notice-or-some

Topless Diesel 2014 Calendar by Terry Richardson of the Day

Everyone shits on Terry Richardson for having boring pictures, or being played out, even though he took a style that influenced a generation of photographers…and everyone calls him a creep or a pervert because he fucks 20 year old models who groupie on his dick…because any normal guy would say no to model pussy…they say he gets girls in positions they don’t want to be in…but they are just blinded by the camera flashes that they don’t notice or some shit…but the reality is that every straight man is a fucking creep and a pervert, some are just smart enough to become photographers…and every gay man is just a pervert, but being gay they are in it together, so their perversion just produces an aids crisis in the 80s cuz everyone was fucking each other… All this to say..people like to fuck nice looking things…and Terry likes to take nice looking things and make them look more like something we’d like to fuck…can’t hate a motherfucker for that. Here are some pics he shot for the 2014 Diesel calendar..

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Topless Diesel 2014 Calendar by Terry Richardson of the Day