Tag Archives: noticed-if-she

Miley Cyrus Kisses Katy Perry in Some Satanic Illuminati Shit of the Day

After reading – TOP 10 EDUCATIONAL LESSONS FROM THE BANGERZ TOUR it’s safe to say she’s the worst…but more importantly…some kind of puppet sent from Illuminati hell to brain wash the youth and make them all dumber…by apparently making satanic videos…and kissing Katy Perry… Here’s the video Here’s the Satanic Video Here she is singing some Outkast – Redneck Version – Which is clearly the Devils Work

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Miley Cyrus Kisses Katy Perry in Some Satanic Illuminati Shit of the Day

Emily Ratajkowksi for Minimale Animale of the Day

Other than the fact that Emily Ratajkowksi is a lot of photoshop, retouching, maybe even plastic surgery…coupled with the fact that she’s had sex with Kanye West and used to be flown around to fuck Kanye West, because what people don’t realize is that Kanye West pretty much made her before anyone else even noticed her, and I am sure he is still sticking it to her, because when married to Kim Kardashian and you have this as an option…why wouldn’t you… She’s pretty ok…. I mean I get shit on for calling her average, the kind of girl you wouldn’t really noticed if she walked into a party, the kind of girl you wouldn’t even notice was EMRATA the famous if she walked into a party…but she does photograph well and her dad does make cool art…so I’m not hating… I just know she’s probably got a serious fucking ego right now, and that’s always just a bummer…why can’t a down to earth girl who craves fame, just stay down to earth when she gets fame, is it that no down to earth girl wants fame, but rather attention seeking insecure girls who think they are prettier than they are and seek validation because they don’t actually think they are prettier…are the ones seeking fame…while the real babes aren’t the one in such useless “Look at me pose in catalog” careers…you know using their skills and intelligence to benefit the world, rather than feed their egos…right…that’s exactly what it is… These nothin’ to offer, “look at me I have tits” girls…contribute zero to the world…and here is her life changing work…

Emily Ratajkowksi for Minimale Animale of the Day