Tag Archives: while-the-real

13 Scariest Disney Villains Ever: The Stuff of Nightmares!

It’s a tale as old as time: The battle of good and evil .  Disney villains bring that evil to life in more ways than one. The 13 scariest Disney villains, to be exact, as ranked by our editors in the gallery below. From Maleficent , given new life by Angelina Jolie, to Scar, who made his way to the stage, Disney villains are among the most revered villains of all time. And for good reason, as our list makes clear … 13 Scariest Disney Villains 13. Prince John Robin Hood’s Prince John snuck into the throne while the real king, Richard, was off on the crusades. So the crusades weren’t so great either, but John was worse. Spurned by jealousy and greed, hearts as cold as ice, our childhood nightmares were made by the animation of some of Disney’s most terrifying animated creations. BECAUSE THEY WERE THE STUFF OF NIGHTMARES!  Take a look at some of our favorite Disney princesses reimagined as other races to get your mind off the villains and see them in a different light … Disney Princesses Reimagined as Different Races 1. Ariel Ariel gets a makeover as artist TT’s reimagined Little Mermaid.

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13 Scariest Disney Villains Ever: The Stuff of Nightmares!

Miley Cyrus Kisses Katy Perry in Some Satanic Illuminati Shit of the Day

After reading – TOP 10 EDUCATIONAL LESSONS FROM THE BANGERZ TOUR it’s safe to say she’s the worst…but more importantly…some kind of puppet sent from Illuminati hell to brain wash the youth and make them all dumber…by apparently making satanic videos…and kissing Katy Perry… Here’s the video Here’s the Satanic Video Here she is singing some Outkast – Redneck Version – Which is clearly the Devils Work

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Miley Cyrus Kisses Katy Perry in Some Satanic Illuminati Shit of the Day

Emily Ratajkowksi for Minimale Animale of the Day

Other than the fact that Emily Ratajkowksi is a lot of photoshop, retouching, maybe even plastic surgery…coupled with the fact that she’s had sex with Kanye West and used to be flown around to fuck Kanye West, because what people don’t realize is that Kanye West pretty much made her before anyone else even noticed her, and I am sure he is still sticking it to her, because when married to Kim Kardashian and you have this as an option…why wouldn’t you… She’s pretty ok…. I mean I get shit on for calling her average, the kind of girl you wouldn’t really noticed if she walked into a party, the kind of girl you wouldn’t even notice was EMRATA the famous if she walked into a party…but she does photograph well and her dad does make cool art…so I’m not hating… I just know she’s probably got a serious fucking ego right now, and that’s always just a bummer…why can’t a down to earth girl who craves fame, just stay down to earth when she gets fame, is it that no down to earth girl wants fame, but rather attention seeking insecure girls who think they are prettier than they are and seek validation because they don’t actually think they are prettier…are the ones seeking fame…while the real babes aren’t the one in such useless “Look at me pose in catalog” careers…you know using their skills and intelligence to benefit the world, rather than feed their egos…right…that’s exactly what it is… These nothin’ to offer, “look at me I have tits” girls…contribute zero to the world…and here is her life changing work…

Emily Ratajkowksi for Minimale Animale of the Day

Yes, But What Does the First Photo from Iron Man 3 MEAN?

You may look at this first photo from the set of Iron Man 3 and think, “Gee, Tony Stark has a lot of toys.” I look at it — a shot of Robert Downey Jr. as Stark, gazing at his wall of Iron Man suits in a lab/Hall of Ego scattered with gadgets and gizmos aplenty — and remember I need to do laundry. Also, I need a bigger closet. Why does Tony Stark have so many wardrobe options? On the flip side, you could go way into depth surmising what all this hardware means, as EW’s Anthony Breznican does: It’s a big responsibility for whomever — we presume Stark’s automated butler JARVIS — to guard this stuff. Although Marvel Studios hasn’t released details of the plot, if you couple this official image with paparazzi shots last week revealing the Iron Patriot, a character using stolen Stark tech who literally wraps his armor in the flag to justify his actions, we may be seeing the issue of proliferation rising again for ol’ Tony. Sure, sure. But wait… what could this one face-obscured behind-the-scenes shot mean for the meaning of Iron Man 3 ? What comes next could be too powerful even for Stark to control. If rumors are true that Iron Man 3 filmmaker Shane Black ( Kiss Kiss Bang Bang ) is taking his cues from the Iron Man comic series Extremis , which deals with nanotechnology injected directly into human beings to make them more powerful, then it’s no longer a matter of who is inside the weapon than what kind of weapon is inside the person. And that next case on the wall, which looks eerily like a row of coffins now, would have to contain Tony Stark himself . WHOA. Way existential, man. Who agrees? Who’s excited? Who’s wondering if we’re really butt-gazing at RDJ’s stand-in while the real RDJ is over snacking at craft services? [ EW ]

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Yes, But What Does the First Photo from Iron Man 3 MEAN?

Sheryl Crow Bikini Pics of the Day

I hate that I just posted a clip of a girl running her mouth off for E!News to lead into the Sheryl Crow bikini pics, because the paparazzi company who owns the rights to the pics, wants to sue me and I had no fucking options people, I am doing my best to archive every single bikini that happens, even on ripped stomached, manly menopausal 50 year olds who I didn’t find hot when she was at her peak in the 90s…and who I sure as hell don’t find hot now…..what it comes down to is only 50 year old women care about seeing 50 year old women in bikinis…. While the real joke in all this is the fucking spic Liz Hernandez showing off some cleavage in Jennifer Love Hewitt’s dress, reading her script like a 5 year old, making outrageous assumptions claims, with useless banter that just doesn’t fucking matter or even hold any purpose other than being noise while pretending to be reporting news…. Saying things like “chasing after her kids surely keeps her fab physique in check” coupled with all the puns, cliches, nonsense they report to the trailer park moms just made my fucking brain explode….this people at E! are the devil…and Liz Hernandez bitch needs to be raped on her way out of the studio to teach her a fucking less… TO SEE THE SHERYL CROW BIKINI PICS

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Sheryl Crow Bikini Pics of the Day

Alison Brie is Half Jewish and Half Naked in Complex of the Day

Alison Brie is a half Jewish actress on Mad Men and now she is half naked in Complex. She’s gone a long way from performing at her local Jewish Community Center where she was trying to prove that she was as Jewish than the other Jewish kids even though she was only half the Jew she wished she could be….while the real Jews had better things to do than hang at the Jewish Community Center since they didn’t come from homes with only one Jewish parent, they were comfortable in their skin and didn’t have the same identity issues, so spent their days smoking weed and yelling at their Filipino/Mexican nannies instead…. The funny thing about Alison Brie is that her and I have something in common, we both worked as clown’s at children’s birthday parties, only she ended up on TV and I ended up with a restraining order and court ordered substance abuse classes

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Alison Brie is Half Jewish and Half Naked in Complex of the Day

Going Vogue: Anna Wintour Meets Alaskan Winter

Question: What do Sarah Palin ‘s new book and Vogue magazine have in common?

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Going Vogue: Anna Wintour Meets Alaskan Winter