Tag Archives: numerous-years

Boys To Men: Are You Training Your Boyfriend To Be Someone Else’s Husband?

There is a thin line between love and hate, and that line is usually crossed when a boyfriend of numerous years breaks up with his girlfriend only to get married to somebody else in two years or less. We’ve all heard stories of long-time couples breaking up and the woman heartbroken and confused tries to go and find “herself” by remaining single in an attempt to finding her way back to happy. While her ex-man is reformed, a much better person and luckily finds his soul mate turned wife within the next 24 months. Grant it, in many situations these long-term couples were young when they met and may have grew apart, resulting in the breakup but it still doesn’t diminish the pain of training a boyfriend to be somebody else husband. Continued at MadameNoire.com

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Boys To Men: Are You Training Your Boyfriend To Be Someone Else’s Husband?