Tag Archives: obama-should

Belated Birthday Bucket List: 9 Things We’d Like To See President Obama Do Before His Presidency Ends

Happy belated birthday to President Obama! Now, before you go…. Things President Obama Should Do Before His Presidency Ends Yesterday, President Obama celebrated his 52nd birthday and we hope it was a good one. Now, in honor of the continuously growing majority of black folks who still operate on “CP” time (don’t get mad, you’re probably in the number too), we’ve put together a list of things, both serious and suggestive, that we’d like to see the POTUS do before he throws the deuces to the oval office for good. Take a look……and be sure to let us know if we missed anything. Continue reading

Chuck Norris: Obama should be impeached if he tries to enforce Copenhagen agreement

Chuck Norris: Obama Should Be Impeached If He Tries To Enforce Copenhagen Agreement http://www.infowars.com/chuck-norris-obama-should-be-impeached-if-he-tries-to-en… added by: MetalestDragoon 13 comments

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Chuck Norris: Obama should be impeached if he tries to enforce Copenhagen agreement