Tag Archives: obscure-or-non

Sophie Monk Still Looks Like a Muppet I Want to Fuck of the Day

You know you are either seriously desperate or very fucking weird or Amish to be able to get off to a girls bra as seen thru her sleeve when she lifts her arm and you notice realize shit may be sheer. That’s the kind of thing that was even too obscure or non sexual to me when I was a teenager and was able to jerk off to panty lines in gym clothes, but I guess as we get older our standards and priorities shift, because that’s just what being a pervert is all about, and all of a sudden shit that never turned us on starts to because we’ve become so accustomed to standard turn ons, and because there is just something mystical and erotic about shitting on a girls face, if you know what I mean… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Sophie Monk Still Looks Like a Muppet I Want to Fuck of the Day