Tag Archives: obviously-dudes

Lea Michele is Flexible of the Day

Despite Lea Michele’s testicles, I am starting to like her, she got some fillers on her face, she’s looking good, the Bruce Jenner transition to Caitlin has allowed her to have softer and more feminine vibe…and I figure if you play a girl on TV, you might as well play the part in everyday life… I appreciate that despite her dick, she’s got this great flexibility of a dancer…it’s wild and amazing…and most men don’t ben like this, except maybe those on estrogen therapy, into deep ass penetration, because you can tell by this pose, and all the gay porn you secretly watch, this is a great way to pull those balls to the side and give all the access needed for the producer booking her for whatever show or record she’s releasing… Wonderful…. The post Lea Michele is Flexible of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lea Michele is Flexible of the Day

Revisiting Martha Hunt’s Face Down Ass Up of the Day

Martha Hunt is one of the models hired by Taylor Swift as her friend, to make her seem like less of a robot demon from hell trying to rape the world of their money, to increase her power, her fame, her authority that she doesn’t deserve…she sings relatable love songs and when looking at her, you’re like “obviously dudes just plow through that, she’s intolerable”…but these eager models like Martha Hunt joined her sorority…and maybe that’s why this one is so good at this eating dirt with her ass in the air…it’s of TAYTAY’s hazing rituals…being brought to the mean streets of Miami beach for a VS shoot…and if you don’t see the highlight, the benefit, the amazing involved in this pose…on this girl…who is out there just trying to get as famous as she can to cash in and land rich dudes..you’re fucking crazy…because it is wonderful…even TAYTAY approves, otherwise she wouldn’t have let Martha Hunt out of her cage…. That said, why the fuck does a Victoria’s Secret shoot need this pose, I get that they are low level porno, low grade panties, billion dollar industry and all..but a face down ass up seems extreme…in a white bikini bottom… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Revisiting Martha Hunt’s Face Down Ass Up of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Revisiting Martha Hunt’s Face Down Ass Up of the Day