Tag Archives: offend-every

GTFOHWTBS!!! Brad Paisley Featuring Uncle Tom L (LL Cool J) “Accidental Racist”- “I Gotta Thank Abe Lincoln For Freeing Me”

Respect takes years to gain and 5 minutes 50 seconds to lose SMMFH Brad Paisley Featuring LL Cool J “Accidental Racist” Today country singer Brad Paisley released a new song called “Accidental Racist” where he attempts to explain that his “southern pride” should not be confused with bigotry and racism. Somehow he convinced hip-hop ICON LL Cool J to join him down this path of struggle and despair with a verse that is sure to offend every African-American fiber of your being. Without further ado, we present…”Accidental Racist” What do you think of this pathetic, embarrassingly terrible, cringe-inducing song? Image via Facebook

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GTFOHWTBS!!! Brad Paisley Featuring Uncle Tom L (LL Cool J) “Accidental Racist”- “I Gotta Thank Abe Lincoln For Freeing Me”