Tag Archives: offered-the-new

Jonah Hill was Offered a Part in Tarantino’s Django Unchained, But…

Looks like Jonah Hill won’t be joining Christoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kurt Russell, Kerry Washington, Anthony LaPaglia, RZA and Don Johnson in Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained , even though he was offered a part. Hill revealed why he had to turn down the role with thundering poetic regret: “I got offered the new Quentin Tarantino movie, and I can’t do it because of my schedule… Doing Quentin’s movie would have obviously been amazing, but my schedule didn’t work out, which sucks.” Djonah Unavailable, more like! [ MTV via /Film ]

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Jonah Hill was Offered a Part in Tarantino’s Django Unchained, But…