Tag Archives: office-looking

Waffle House Brawl and Other Videos of the Day

Hey Hipsters…get a Bee Beard Flaming Bag Pipes for Christmas Man in Turkey Shoots and Kills Brother in a Law and Mother In Law at the Hospital…LOHAN wasn’t there to save them Naked Guy on Top of Public Bus Dog Says Final Goodbye to Owner – Super Sad… Naked Guy on the Bus The post Waffle House Brawl and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Waffle House Brawl and Other Videos of the Day

Britney Spears Fuck Me Boots of the Day

Hit me baby one more time….Britney Spears….is in fuck me boots and for some reason…I think it’s worth pointing at and saying – Look Britney Spears is wearing fuck me boots….like she’s not some crazy 40 year old pop star still pop-starring… It would seem that I care about it…I mean I am posting it – I must care about these people….but I am just in some vortex of posting everything I come across..about the dumbest shit ever…like it is news, or a distraction, when it is just dog shit…what am I doing with my life? Oh right…nothing…which is why I am posting this nonsense that no one cares about… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Britney Spears Fuck Me Boots of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Britney Spears Fuck Me Boots of the Day

Margot Robbie Knees of the Day

People fucking love Margot Robbie and get really mad when I call her a big girl…because she’s a big girl, because people fucking love Margot Robbie.. I don’t know why she got famous, or how she got famous, she’s Australian and now the biggest fucking deal in Hollywood…how does that happen, why is she in every fucking movie.. I guess it’s safe to say…not everyone thinks she’s a big girl….or cares about my opinion on Margot Robbie being overrated… So here are her knees for those people…all you brainwashed fuckers.. She’s leaving a dermatologist, so either she has skin cancer from being australian…or BOTOX… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Margot Robbie Knees of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Margot Robbie Knees of the Day