Tag Archives: hipsters

Mariah Carey’s Whale Tail of the Day

Here’s a little, or rather a large, Mariah Carey showing the world her whale tail, like it was the late 90s and she was in Low Rise jeans with her thong up over her hips, as the girls used to dress…and will dress again…but the hipsters are still in the early 90s in their clothing options…and haven’t quite got to 1999…pre Y2k…the future…but they will…they always do…and let Mariah Carey, who I don’t think is channeling her youth, or the years she was the most relevant, right before she went mental….I think she’s just a bigger girl in clothing that’s too small…you’ll see this happen at grocery stores, or really everywhere a fat chick bends….but I like to think it’s well thought out fashion…since Mariah Carey is so with it…and by with it, I mean crazy, medicated, and about to lose her mind again….that is what happens when people get super rich, super famous and get fans and surround themselves with people who suck up to them…they become everything wrong in the world…but as Mariah Carey proves…sometimes that can lead to everything right…like this WHALE TAIL…moment of inspiration…just stare at it, get lost in it…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Mariah Carey’s Whale Tail of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mariah Carey’s Whale Tail of the Day

Waffle House Brawl and Other Videos of the Day

Hey Hipsters…get a Bee Beard Flaming Bag Pipes for Christmas Man in Turkey Shoots and Kills Brother in a Law and Mother In Law at the Hospital…LOHAN wasn’t there to save them Naked Guy on Top of Public Bus Dog Says Final Goodbye to Owner – Super Sad… Naked Guy on the Bus The post Waffle House Brawl and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Waffle House Brawl and Other Videos of the Day

Kendall Jenner Can Do It thanks to Kim K’s Tits of the Day

Kendall Jenner was dressed like the lesbian in the wartime “We Can Do It” campaign – featuring Geraldine Doyle – who only worked in a factory for a few weeks…because she could do it, but was more into quitting doing it to marry a dentist and have 6 kids…. The “We Can Do It” poster was designed to encourage laborers to not strike, but in the roaring 80s…it was brought back as a Feminist image for equal rights for women in the workplace…. In 2015…they have taken that imagery of “woman power”, even if it wasn’t intended as a Women’s Power campaign in the 40s when it happened, and pretty much shit on the memory and purpose of the 75 year old image, by having some vapid rich kid who has never worked a day in her life because her sister got fucked by a black dude on camera and her rich family was able to leverage that into a trainwreck with great ratings…who has only taught the young women of tomorrow that being a vapid cunt is fun, especially when you go to the cool parties and drive a Range Rover or G Wagon or Rolls Royce….and that all you have to do is pander to men using your sexuality or even fuck them on camera and the good life filled with NOT ACTUALLY working can be yours….people will just pay you to live because “we can do it”…. The plight of the feminsits of the 60s had this vision in mind when they fought their fight….they said – fuck equal pay, let’s make sluts famous for acting slutty and having no soul, no substance or values… The whore thing is offensive..SCAB,. Instead of doing a separate post on the source of all this evil, or at least the first of the daughters to take the hooker mother’s lead and tyrant rich bitch values, to create a clan of “real life soap opera basic america love”…shit…Kim Kardashian in a bra – with a hard nipple because she wants to be remembered… The post Kendall Jenner Can Do It thanks to Kim K’s Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner Can Do It thanks to Kim K’s Tits of the Day

Ashley Benson Big Tits in a Bra of the Day

I don’t know what’s going on with Ashley Benson’s face, but yes, you’re a dude and you’re thinking “who’s looking at her face”…because you’re basic… You see, because her claim is being 10-15 pounds overweight, so not that offensively fat, like a Kate Upton who’s tits you have to question when set against her massive back, in a “are these tits worth all that comes with it, maybe I’d prefer a smaller tit on a smaller body”…. Where as Benson is more the “she’s young, on a hit show, has a big following, and looks like most 20 year olds I meet in a Bar”…. But that face, there’s something weird about it, like it is elongated, or she has fillers, or is growing still…and not quite the cute face it was in Springbreakers…and I wonder how that happens…growing up, hormones, who knows…but it’s weird….but at least she still has tits to stuff into a push-up bra…and that’s all that matters. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ashley Benson Big Tits in a Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley Benson Big Tits in a Bra of the Day

Tallulah Willis Cameltoe in Fitness Gear of the Day

Tallulah Willis is the hipster or was the hipster Willis sister, but I guess that’s a given for an early 20s trust fund kid trying to find herself in a world where being a photographer / artist at the fashion events makes them feel like they have more substance than just the sperm and ovary that made them… I guess she’s more into health goth now, it’s a trend the hipsters have slowly morphed into as they near 30 and quit coke. I guess what I am trying to say is – at least she’s not Rumer, her potato headed sister.. The post Tallulah Willis Cameltoe in Fitness Gear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Tallulah Willis Cameltoe in Fitness Gear of the Day

Alektra Blue for Raymond Croft of the Day

Alektra Blue, who you can follow on instagram @lilmsblue , is a massive porn star. She’s been doing this for at least 7 or 8 years, for a bunch of the more mainstream porn companies, and you’ve probably seen her fuck on your late night TV porn, because she’s in that realm of pornstars… She is not one of those Amateur Porn girls, who have a shitty documentary, that no one has ever heard of, who jump in the porn scene for 5 minutes, where they bang out for a month or two before disappearing, because porn isn ‘t for everyone, and not everyone makes it in porn… Alektra Blue…has made it in porn..and now she’s in this exclusive set, that is not porn, but up on some hipster modeling, because there’s nothing more hip than being a porn in this era….at least that’s what all the hipsters I try to fuck and who ask me to choke them on their weird feminist gender studies exploration… The pictures are by @raymondcroft and we approve… Via raymondcroft.com The post Alektra Blue for Raymond Croft of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alektra Blue for Raymond Croft of the Day

Miley Cyrus of the Day

Attention seeking, stain on the younger generation, unauthentic hipster, who like most other hipsters, are just misguided rich kids with nothing better to do, seeking acceptance and purpose, because they don’t have to work normal jobs, and being weird amongst themselves, just feels cool….Miley Cyrus….brought her artistic interpretative social media performance art….that her peers will celebrate because they are paid….posting the above pic and the below comment…in what I guess is instagram english…thanks to the world being filled with young, porno influenced retards… Do yiew tink if I push muah titties up I’ll get mo followahhhzzzz? #shouldigrowmyhairout? And I am all about this.

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Miley Cyrus of the Day

Miley Cyrus in Weird Underwear with Pixie Lott in a Weird Top of the Day

These pics were taken of the new generation it-girls Miley Cyrus, who we all know and hate…and Pixie Lott who I’ve never heard of, but who wears a shirt I can respect…because it cages in her wild tits nicely… They are outside a club that I assume they are all doing Molly with, leading the Miley having another drug overdose that kills her, since all these jealous bitches are trying to shut her up, not so much because they are jealous of her Disney success, but because that voice of hers is fucking terrible… That said, looking at these outfits, reminds me that I am old as fuck, because shit looks like a circus, or a bad rave, or halloween, up on some clown shit.. and I’ll never really accept the hipster party kids I used to do drugs with style, being mainstream…it just confuses me…it’s like I remember kids dressing like this to make a statement, and all the normals would stare…but now the normals are doing it, leaving the hipsters crying for attention forced to dress conservative, otherwise they just look like Miley…and that’s fucking lame…I mean if hipsters even exist anymore, I like to think they died when it went mainstream. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus in Weird Underwear with Pixie Lott in a Weird Top of the Day

Amanda Seyfried’s Hot Hipster Booty

Hmmm, do I like these pictures of Amanda Seyfried or not? On the one hand she’s wearing a really stupid looking outfit, but she’s also giving me a pretty good look at that cute little booty of hers. I’m torn. Why can’t she just walk around in stylish short shorts with her breasts falling out of a really small top like a regular hottie. I blame the hipsters, they’ve completely ruined the whole institution of hotness. Shame on you hipsters, shame on you.

Katy Perry’s Sweet Hipster See Through Top

Ugh, of course ‘Queen of the Hipsters’ Katy Perry showed up at the Coachella music festival wearing one of the worst pair of mom shorts of all time. This style is one of those things people will look back on with shame and embarrassment, like polyester leisure suits or Pearl Jam t-shirts or… These exact mom shorts! I don’t get it with this festival, it seems that if you’re a female and not wearing silly hipster mom shorts you’re not allowed into this place. What a nightmare. At least I can kinda see Katy’s big hipster boobies.