Tag Archives: nothing-better

Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day

ELSA HOSK and MARTHA HUNT are on vacation together getting wet as fuck…. which is probably porn to some of you….because hot models getting half naked and white is fucking exciting…two blondes, one Swedish girl and one American girl coming together for the sake of leisure… Look at the way her inner thigh meets her vagina…it’s creepy looking…and we like it because it isn’t fat…who needs fat…in a world of fat…NO VICTORIA’S SECRET…at least that was before the fat people all protested and freaked out..getting the CEO fired….forcing the brand to scramble and make amends trying to please and satisfy everyone involved, every angry feminist fat chick with nothing better to do that tweet angrily at Victoria’s Secret cuz it’s an exclusive club… I hate how people, brands, everyone gives into and panders to these people with nothing better to do that protest and campaign against bullshit….which is too bad, lets celebrate tall hot chicks the way they are celebrating themselves and each other….seriously. It’s great. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day

Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day

ELSA HOSK and MARTHA HUNT are on vacation together getting wet as fuck…. which is probably porn to some of you….because hot models getting half naked and white is fucking exciting…two blondes, one Swedish girl and one American girl coming together for the sake of leisure… Look at the way her inner thigh meets her vagina…it’s creepy looking…and we like it because it isn’t fat…who needs fat…in a world of fat…NO VICTORIA’S SECRET…at least that was before the fat people all protested and freaked out..getting the CEO fired….forcing the brand to scramble and make amends trying to please and satisfy everyone involved, every angry feminist fat chick with nothing better to do that tweet angrily at Victoria’s Secret cuz it’s an exclusive club… I hate how people, brands, everyone gives into and panders to these people with nothing better to do that protest and campaign against bullshit….which is too bad, lets celebrate tall hot chicks the way they are celebrating themselves and each other….seriously. It’s great. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day

Top Ten Opening Credits Nude Scenes

There’s nothing better than switching on a movie and being met with an instant nude scene over the opening credits … read more

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Top Ten Opening Credits Nude Scenes

This 90s Throwback Toy Is Making A Comeback!

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Source: Sanerica Davis / Sanerica Davis Your list of responsibilities might get longer thanks to the return of a cherished toy from the 90s. Last April, Tokyo-based Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. announced the return of the Tamagotchi digital pets!  The company is reissuing the toy to commemorate its 20th anniversary. Tamagotchi is BACK – iconic digital pet returns for 20th anniversary https://t.co/c2xnrbFBEb pic.twitter.com/jJbT45UCQg — Mirror Tech (@MirrorTech) October 11, 2017 The new device will be 20% smaller than the original Tamagotchi, and customers will be able to choose from six colorways and digital pets. Your new digi-creature will need to be groomed, fed and cleaned just like the old ones or else they’ll transition into the virtual afterlife (they’ll die). Each pet will be $14.99 and they are available for pre-order at select online retailers. The official launch will be November 5 at stores nationwide including the official website for Tamagotchi . If you have nothing better to do, and need something to nurture and care for, save your coins!

This 90s Throwback Toy Is Making A Comeback!

Rosie Huntington-Whitely in a Tight Dress of the Day

I didn’t know Rosie Huntington-Whitely was pregnant, but she’s pregnant. I guess I don’t keep up to speed on a hot model who gets topless, despite being all fancy with her UK accent, like a trash can glamour girl, but instead a top model, who dates celebrities as a hot model, who I guess is now old – because she’s been around forever- hence the whole pregnancy…. Because I am not a creepy enough fan boy with nothing better to do than obsess over the bitch in transformers who replaced megan fox…even though I really have nothing better to do with my time than obsess over her…I just choose not to.. Ready to drop fantasties rarely exist in my world…unless it’s finding out the bitch I just came in is pregnant with another dude so that we safe…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rosie Huntington-Whitely in a Tight Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rosie Huntington-Whitely in a Tight Dress of the Day

Gigi Hadid Panty Flash for Vogue Japan of the Day

Gigi Hadid looks better since she’s lost weight, everything is better when it’s less fat…and these pics are borderline hot of her, they almost make me think that she deserves some of the attention she’s getting as a model, rather than just hate on her for being some entitled rich kid who bought her career thanks to digital marketing, but I am a weak person and skinny legs and expensive panty flashes, something I assume she dreamt about doing in magazines while growing up, you know “maybe one day the world will see my panties, since I have a trust fund and have nothing better to do with my time, plus they’ll pay me…unless it’s editorial, even though I don’t need to get paid cuz I’m rich as fuck…thanks to having a real daddy…not sugar daddy”….. The point is…there is no point…just pics of her slutty enough for me but arguably not slutty enough for the attention whore she is….because it works. The post Gigi Hadid Panty Flash for Vogue Japan of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi Hadid Panty Flash for Vogue Japan of the Day

Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day

Emma Roberts has a nice skinny ass in a world where not enough girls have nice skinny asses because skinny asses aren’t celebrated anymore, not even cute skinny asses with some shape…and all these sluts want monster asses….even though monster asses are gross….but Emma Roberts brings us hope of a better tomorrow…. Thanks to her I still believe that there are girls out there who insist on being skinny, who still starve themselves and workout as much and as hard as they can….because they know that being fat is disgusting, we just don’t hear a lot from them, because they are either too weak or tired to speak up, or too happen in how good they look, or being overpowered by the body positive fat chicks…. I guess what guys are forgetting is how little round asses make your dicks look bigger when you fuck them, which should be enough reason to want to get involved in that skinny girl world…instead of this fertility, high estrogren and cholesterol shit we’re constantly exposed to…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE She also wore a white shirt… To see more pics of her in a white shirt – shopping – CLICK HERE The post Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day

Leven Rambin Parrack in a Swimsuit of the Day

Leven Rambin Parrack is a soap star, or a child star, or a child soap star who I would assume very few people actually know of, but then I remember that you’re all a bunch of unemployed weirdos on disability checks who sit at home all day watching daytime TV…and jerking off to the 13 year old Leven Rambin Parrack they cast in their ridiculous, designed for real fucking low level people, trash…because you just have nothing better to do, and that’s just the kind of guy you are… She’s apparently on some other show or movie now, but I could be in the same room as her, and I probably have, and didn’t notice her, but if she was in a bathing suit posing like this, all fame-whore stanced…I’d be into it, because I am into it, she’s just not letting me get into it…because she’s not that kind of girl…you know a gutter street hooker I can afford… The post Leven Rambin Parrack in a Swimsuit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Leven Rambin Parrack in a Swimsuit of the Day

Rihanna Thanks J.Lo For Rocking Her Manolo’s In Music Video

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There’s nothing better than when two fierce women combine their forces.

Rihanna Thanks J.Lo For Rocking Her Manolo’s In Music Video

Meet Hottie Annie Ericson

Forget winter, forget Christmas, forget Santa-themed photoshoots. Sometimes, there’s nothing better than just getting back to basics: getting a smoking hot model in a bikini for a beach photoshoot. And here’s South African hottie  Annie Ericson doing just that. I’m no meteorologist, but these pictures are so hot, I’m pretty sure they’re the reason it’s too warm out there for a white Christmas this year. Yow! » view all 20 photos Continue reading