Tag Archives: everyone-gives

Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day

ELSA HOSK and MARTHA HUNT are on vacation together getting wet as fuck…. which is probably porn to some of you….because hot models getting half naked and white is fucking exciting…two blondes, one Swedish girl and one American girl coming together for the sake of leisure… Look at the way her inner thigh meets her vagina…it’s creepy looking…and we like it because it isn’t fat…who needs fat…in a world of fat…NO VICTORIA’S SECRET…at least that was before the fat people all protested and freaked out..getting the CEO fired….forcing the brand to scramble and make amends trying to please and satisfy everyone involved, every angry feminist fat chick with nothing better to do that tweet angrily at Victoria’s Secret cuz it’s an exclusive club… I hate how people, brands, everyone gives into and panders to these people with nothing better to do that protest and campaign against bullshit….which is too bad, lets celebrate tall hot chicks the way they are celebrating themselves and each other….seriously. It’s great. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt Wet in Mexico of the Day