Tag Archives: spread-legged

Britney Spears in Shorts of the Day

Britney Spears is in shorts. Who gives a fuck. Anyone who is into seeing a Britney Spears now, not a Britney Spears then, has their priorities all fucked up…because if you’re into a Britney Spears now, for more than just navigating ways to K-Fed her a second time….something that would be so hype you could even jerking off to the idea of it…you’d still be doing that to her first album music videos, not this..you see because fantasies often times get ruined by reality…something I experience every time I open my eyes during sex. Everyone knows K-Fedding her would be impossible, her team of handlers, including her parents have their grip on her…and won’t fucking let go… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Britney Spears in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Britney Spears in Shorts of the Day

Ariel Winter Butt Shot of the Day

This is an interesting take on Ariel Winter, the 18 year old round faced, round bodied, round titty thanks to getting them rebuilt due to being sloppy as fuck at a young age….In some fetish boots, titty out, spread legged from a low angle to not make her look like the fat keebler elf she is…you know sold to hollywood by her family and now navigating things on her own..doing it in the best way possible..half naked…even if I am not into her weird shape, I can appreciate a half naked young girl who doesn’t need to be half naked but who is doing it because she wants to…for the fans…that we can safely assume are all creepy old guys that just like the smell of a broken girl’s youthful asshole…they even pay more for that… If you are more into her spirit animal….Sofia Vergara who raised Ariel Winter when Ariel Winter’s mom was out at the club spending all her Ariel Winter modern family…money when they could because she was under 18….here she is….with her tits…looking pregnant… CLICK HERE The post Ariel Winter Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter Butt Shot of the Day

Ashley Benson Big Tits in a Bra of the Day

I don’t know what’s going on with Ashley Benson’s face, but yes, you’re a dude and you’re thinking “who’s looking at her face”…because you’re basic… You see, because her claim is being 10-15 pounds overweight, so not that offensively fat, like a Kate Upton who’s tits you have to question when set against her massive back, in a “are these tits worth all that comes with it, maybe I’d prefer a smaller tit on a smaller body”…. Where as Benson is more the “she’s young, on a hit show, has a big following, and looks like most 20 year olds I meet in a Bar”…. But that face, there’s something weird about it, like it is elongated, or she has fillers, or is growing still…and not quite the cute face it was in Springbreakers…and I wonder how that happens…growing up, hormones, who knows…but it’s weird….but at least she still has tits to stuff into a push-up bra…and that’s all that matters. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ashley Benson Big Tits in a Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley Benson Big Tits in a Bra of the Day

Tallulah Willis Cameltoe in Fitness Gear of the Day

Tallulah Willis is the hipster or was the hipster Willis sister, but I guess that’s a given for an early 20s trust fund kid trying to find herself in a world where being a photographer / artist at the fashion events makes them feel like they have more substance than just the sperm and ovary that made them… I guess she’s more into health goth now, it’s a trend the hipsters have slowly morphed into as they near 30 and quit coke. I guess what I am trying to say is – at least she’s not Rumer, her potato headed sister.. The post Tallulah Willis Cameltoe in Fitness Gear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Tallulah Willis Cameltoe in Fitness Gear of the Day

Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day

There was a time when Kirsten Dunst was a huge fucking deal…it was close to 20 years ago now…meaning she’s been through a lot… From being a hot hot actress with a skinny frame and big tits that dudes everywhere wanted to fuck… To being old and tired news…washed up and shat out by the entertainment industry by 30….. To being admitted to rehab at least once… All while never being to an orthodontist… That’s not to say I don’t think her scraggle snaggle tooth is lovely, endearing, cute, beautiful, amazing….or that it doesn’t feel like home, a familiar friend I once jerked off to… It’s just to say Hollywood is usually way more vain than this and you’d assume they would have forced her to change what has become what she is known for, a tooth, which says a lot about her career…that I guess is barely eventful…but that happened…I’ve got the DVDs somewhere to prove it. Here she is spread legged…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day

Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day

There was a time when Kirsten Dunst was a huge fucking deal…it was close to 20 years ago now…meaning she’s been through a lot… From being a hot hot actress with a skinny frame and big tits that dudes everywhere wanted to fuck… To being old and tired news…washed up and shat out by the entertainment industry by 30….. To being admitted to rehab at least once… All while never being to an orthodontist… That’s not to say I don’t think her scraggle snaggle tooth is lovely, endearing, cute, beautiful, amazing….or that it doesn’t feel like home, a familiar friend I once jerked off to… It’s just to say Hollywood is usually way more vain than this and you’d assume they would have forced her to change what has become what she is known for, a tooth, which says a lot about her career…that I guess is barely eventful…but that happened…I’ve got the DVDs somewhere to prove it. Here she is spread legged…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day

Irina Shayk in Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

I am so on the ball, I posted the cover picture of Irina Shayk in Harper’s Bazaar yesterday….and to quote myself, because how much can one motherfucker say about this bitch….here’s what I said… Irina Shayk is one the Cover of Harper’s Bazaar…I’m not sure if it is the America issue or an obscure market issue, I don’t do all that much research into these things, especially when it comes to Russian hookers, who I am just impressed, but not really, because she’s Russian, and Russians are bright, the fact they have no souls, means emotions don’t get in the way of these things, like strategically finding a way out of the Iron Curtain, to live the American dream with all the McDonalds and Levis she can imagine, all by using any means possible, which in her case was being the beard for what has been rumored to be a gay as fuck soccer star in a homophobic European market…use hot RUssian, she knows better than to talk, her people know about keeping secrets, she’ll be good…especially if we put her in Sports Illustrated to make the story more legit…a task that takes one phone call when you’re a huge soccer star trying to pay off a girl by getting her in a magazine that your team pretty much control… Now she’s dating an A-List actor, and covering magazines, and she is really fucking hot, so I don’t care, and she’s jumped through the hoops to make this happen, so she’s deserving, I just like knowing that I know the scam she pulled, it makes seeing these pics feel like the ultimate troll I’m in on…but maybe that’s just because I created all this in my crazy mind, like some kind of personality disorder delusion… That’s probably what it is…I’m crazy…and she’s a supermodel who did it the same way other supermodels do it…with hard work ethic and not fucking A listers…right…that’s gotta be it. And I am reposting this, because all the pics dropped…. The post Irina Shayk in Harper’s Bazaar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Irina Shayk in Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Welcome Back Thora Birch of the Day

Thora Birch is the mid 30s actress you’v enever heard of….because she hasn’t done anything in the last 10 years…but if you’re an old pervert, or a hipster obsessed with the 90s, dressing like you’re on the fucking Cosby show, you’ll remember her as the child star in movies like Hocus Pocus and some other shit…. Then she hit puberty and became the star of a lot of independent films, that brought new life to Hollywood, before totally being back burnered for blockbuster, actor driven garbage we have today… So she was the tits you didn’t necessarily want to fuck in America Beauty because she wasn’t the alien headed American Pie chick…or the tits you didn’t necessarily want to fuck in Ghost World because she wasn’t Scarlett Johansson…you know the awkward other girl…with the tits… Well, I guess she’s making a comeback, because why else would she be in this magazine, and really the only picture worth looking at is the one in the granny panty diaper…spread legged looking awkard and doughy…with some tit… Take it in, welcome her back…via masturbation like she was still that 13 year old girl you had a crush on in that Hocus Pocus porn…because you’re weird… The post Welcome Back Thora Birch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Welcome Back Thora Birch of the Day

Elsa Hosk Spread Legged in Victoria’s Secrets of the Day

Elsa Hosk is in her underwear, spread legged for Victorias Secreet, which is edgier than what they are used to…so as Playboy gets rid of nudity, everything else is celebrating nudity…in a weird “they used to photoshop nipples out” turn of events…and now they are doing pics that instagram would delete…because even the Christians they used to try to keep at bay so they wouldn’t get banned from door to door mail order catalogs…are down with nudity…thanks to the internet and porn fucking up our moral code dramatically…turning us all into half retard primates masturbating all day…horny all day…watching porn all day… The post Elsa Hosk Spread Legged in Victoria’s Secrets of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Hosk Spread Legged in Victoria’s Secrets of the Day

Scout Willis in a See Through Dress Posing With Bush of the DAY

Scout Willis is part of the Free the Nipple movement that all the hipsters are into, because tits aren’t a big deal and shouldn’t be criminalized or sexualized or banned off social media platforms, so together we can take our rich kid access and produce a documentary about breast feeding in public, to be the good feminists we want to be….all while dudes everywhere are like “hell yeah, we like nipples, what’s the fucking problem Christian America”…you know nipples is something I’ve been fighting for since I started this site and said “I’ll be called porn, I won’t make million in ad dollars like my blogger friends, but I won’t censor myself”…in what I like to call the dumbest decision of my life…I could use said millions that I would have made off google ad words if I didn’t show nipples right about now..so in a lot of ways, I’ve made more sacrifices for the acceptance of nipples, than these identity crisis rich kids who have no real understanding of real life issues..but instead attach themselves to anything convenient…and in this case…I dig what she’s into, posing with bush, because bush is my other fight…because I love it, but the media killed it, and that upsets me… Either way, here’s Scout nipples for instagram posing with bush…because she’s an identity crisis rich kid….thanks Demi Moore / mom. The post Scout Willis in a See Through Dress Posing With Bush of the DAY appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Scout Willis in a See Through Dress Posing With Bush of the DAY