Tag Archives: take-on-ariel

Britney Spears in Shorts of the Day

Britney Spears is in shorts. Who gives a fuck. Anyone who is into seeing a Britney Spears now, not a Britney Spears then, has their priorities all fucked up…because if you’re into a Britney Spears now, for more than just navigating ways to K-Fed her a second time….something that would be so hype you could even jerking off to the idea of it…you’d still be doing that to her first album music videos, not this..you see because fantasies often times get ruined by reality…something I experience every time I open my eyes during sex. Everyone knows K-Fedding her would be impossible, her team of handlers, including her parents have their grip on her…and won’t fucking let go… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Britney Spears in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Britney Spears in Shorts of the Day

Ariel Winter Butt Shot of the Day

This is an interesting take on Ariel Winter, the 18 year old round faced, round bodied, round titty thanks to getting them rebuilt due to being sloppy as fuck at a young age….In some fetish boots, titty out, spread legged from a low angle to not make her look like the fat keebler elf she is…you know sold to hollywood by her family and now navigating things on her own..doing it in the best way possible..half naked…even if I am not into her weird shape, I can appreciate a half naked young girl who doesn’t need to be half naked but who is doing it because she wants to…for the fans…that we can safely assume are all creepy old guys that just like the smell of a broken girl’s youthful asshole…they even pay more for that… If you are more into her spirit animal….Sofia Vergara who raised Ariel Winter when Ariel Winter’s mom was out at the club spending all her Ariel Winter modern family…money when they could because she was under 18….here she is….with her tits…looking pregnant… CLICK HERE The post Ariel Winter Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter Butt Shot of the Day