Tag Archives: rehab-at-least

Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day

There was a time when Kirsten Dunst was a huge fucking deal…it was close to 20 years ago now…meaning she’s been through a lot… From being a hot hot actress with a skinny frame and big tits that dudes everywhere wanted to fuck… To being old and tired news…washed up and shat out by the entertainment industry by 30….. To being admitted to rehab at least once… All while never being to an orthodontist… That’s not to say I don’t think her scraggle snaggle tooth is lovely, endearing, cute, beautiful, amazing….or that it doesn’t feel like home, a familiar friend I once jerked off to… It’s just to say Hollywood is usually way more vain than this and you’d assume they would have forced her to change what has become what she is known for, a tooth, which says a lot about her career…that I guess is barely eventful…but that happened…I’ve got the DVDs somewhere to prove it. Here she is spread legged…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kirsten Dunst Tooth of the Day