Tag Archives: produce-videos

Charlize Theron Makes the Blowjob Face on Set of a SHoot of the DAy

I am sure you’ve seen at least one classy girl stick her tongue in her cheek, to simulate sucking a dick, usually not in a sexual way, but I’ve had it done to me in a sexual way by at least one stripper and I found it really awkward, but I guess not as awkward as Charlize Theron, South African who came to America after her mom killed her dad with a dream, a dream that involved nude modeling not really making munch money but being found in a bank, pretty much at her breaking point when she was ready to get fucked on film for money, but some asshole producer or casting director moved in at the perfect time for her, bad time for us, preventing that porn career by giving her a mainstream movie role, and 20 years later…she’s still out on set being slutty…before going home to Sean Penn to be slutty…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Charlize Theron Makes the Blowjob Face on Set of a SHoot of the DAy

Miley Cyrus of the Day

Attention seeking, stain on the younger generation, unauthentic hipster, who like most other hipsters, are just misguided rich kids with nothing better to do, seeking acceptance and purpose, because they don’t have to work normal jobs, and being weird amongst themselves, just feels cool….Miley Cyrus….brought her artistic interpretative social media performance art….that her peers will celebrate because they are paid….posting the above pic and the below comment…in what I guess is instagram english…thanks to the world being filled with young, porno influenced retards… Do yiew tink if I push muah titties up I’ll get mo followahhhzzzz? #shouldigrowmyhairout? And I am all about this.

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Miley Cyrus of the Day

Shay Mitchell’s Bikini Video of the Day

Canadian Shay Mitchell from whatever the fuck the hugely popular show that got her 4 million fans on her instagram….which is a lot of fucking people…especially when you’ve never heard of Shay Mitchell and I know you haven’t, because I’ve hardly heard of her…and do this shit all day…has figured out the key to getting talked about is producing as much bikini content possible, because motherfuckers love bikinis….I mean she’s even brought a camera person on her trip, to produce videos like this, which all seems a little desperate, but when you’re ethnically ambiguous ass gets this far from the frozen tundra you are from…fucking bring it….with what is pre-sex tape level whoring but whoring none the less….and I’m all about it…I am just unhappy we never ran into each other doing Canadian things…like fucking babies seals……

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Shay Mitchell’s Bikini Video of the Day

Marcie Kieskiewicz in a Hot Fashion Video for Nowness of the Day

The people at NOWNESS produced this interesting artsy fartsy video of some model getting syrup poured onto her naked body…which sold me on whatever they were doing.. Normally, I would have taken a shit on these kinds of things because they remind me of bullshit student films that attempt to be high concept but that miss the fucking mark…you know shot beautifully with irony or whatever…but the fact is when you present a script, a concept and pretend it’s for fashion or art, the quality girl getting naked in it – goes up substantially…It’s just a mind fuck… So I don’t really find “fashion films” to be good, I like what they do to women, and I am not about to jerk off to this, but it’s nice to look at…but then again I don’t watch porn, or jerk off to porn, but I know I hate it. Not in a “I think it’s the fall of society kind of way”…but in a it bores the fuck out of me, the girls don’t impress me, the quality of the production is shady at best, and the fact is that it’s free on the internet so what the fuck do you expect.. I’m less a guy who jerks off to video and more the kind of guy who masturbates to memories of a better time…

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Marcie Kieskiewicz in a Hot Fashion Video for Nowness of the Day

Izabel Goulart Fitness Tip of the Day

As far as I’m concerned, the mot relevant person in fitness erotica is Izabel Goulart…here she is teaching a move that girls can copy at home to try to get her ass and stomach and that guys can masturabte to instead of trying to masturbate to it at the gym where they will get in trouble and more importantly be masturbating to girls who don’t look like Iza Goulart, but who look more like the walmart cashier trying to get into her summer at the trailer park vacation bikini body…because girls like Izabel Goulart produce videos for you to join in on the fun, but don’t work out in public places for you to actually get in on the fun…and I’m just glad she’s doing it.

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Izabel Goulart Fitness Tip of the Day

NSFW Music Video of the Day

If I was a no name band….or an up and coming band…or a rapper…or pretty much anyone trying to get attention on the internet…I’d produce videos with girls getting naked, showing their cunt, simulating sex with a guitar, because even if it’s been done 1000 times before…people will always watch it… So I’d to give Emilio Rojas Ft. Mickey Factz and their song Ex-Girl some love for being not that creative or innovative cuz they didn’t have to be since naked bitches get hits…I mean it doesn’t even have to be a good song and it’ll get noticed…I wouldn’t know cuz I watched this on mute. Enjoy. To See the Video – Follow This Link GO

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NSFW Music Video of the Day