Tag Archives: january-jones

January Jones With The Tits Out of the Day

January Jones trying to find a dad for her illegitimate child with Jason Sudeskis… We are not surprised that January Jones was knocked up by a mystery man, one of those “too many dudes have cum in me” stories of Hollywood success, because all these women are fucking garbage sex workers, who happen to do their sex work at a higher level, and get paid for their sex work by getting cast in movies that further feed their egos… BUT January Jones does have big tits and big tits are worth looking at on all women, not just overpaid girls who fucked their way to whatever TOP January Jones is at….while wearing a great top for us to see her marketability because without the 40 year old doing shit like this – I can’t help but wonder why anyone would care…but when they do shit like this…I GET IT…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post January Jones With The Tits Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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January Jones With The Tits Out of the Day

January Jones At it Again of the Day

January Jones The single mother is back with some clickbait on Instagram because that is where the lazy girls who like being jacked off to so bad that the sperm ends up knocking them up so hard from all that sperm that they don’t know who the baby daddy is. Keeping the dream alive at middle age. Gross sure but any attention seeker is. They just don’t realize it. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post January Jones At it Again of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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January Jones At it Again of the Day

January Jones Naked of the Day

Hey January Jones, keep it in your pants…otherwise you’ll end up pregnant with another kid who doesn’t know who his dad is because your vagina is like a smoothie of sperm from various men you’ve fucked that day, swirling around trying to find your womb….OR…she’s just a slut, who knows who the baby daddy is and took a pay off to keep his name out of the press, because he’s either high profile, or married…either way…she gets paid and that makes life more fun, it allows her to do all the things she wants to do…like post shitty content to her social media for her fans…cuz it’s not like this bitch actually works as an actress…I haven’t seen her in anything ever… This is likely from a photoshoot, not from a selfie, but we can collectively say “SHOW US MORE MOM PUSSY”….because that circus freak pussy you get from being a mom…you know th clown car pussy people climb out of – is the whole basis of being a mom….so I say show it to the fucking world….like you’re PT BARNUM… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post January Jones Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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January Jones Naked of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Instagram Thot in a Bikini of the Day

The nice thing about watching women age on social media, even women who jack up their faces with shit to stay younger, who spend their days in the gym to stay fit, who have hired the best fitness and diet team to keep her hot, because she’s just that vain, vapid and narcissistic, that instead of throwing in the towel and saying “I am ready to cut the losses, detach from the celebrity, chill out on all the money in all my houses”….but instead screams “they still like me, they still throw money at me, they still care about me, this is the best Menopause Ever”..a menopause she clearly likes to put into a bikini…thanks to proper medical supervision because you know this bitch is like a science experiment trying everything to stay as young as hot as possible…but eventually nature wins and either her insides rot out, and her face ends up manly and weird like most elderly women…you can’t fool all of us, even if she’s been fooling all of us to have this celebrity she’s got all these years… Well she’s in a bikini, doing the instagram whore, brining hope to all toe 50 year olds out there that they too can be hot sexy bitches half naked like their leader or idol J.Lo. Garbage. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jennifer Lopez Instagram Thot in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jennifer Lopez Instagram Thot in a Bikini of the Day

Jordyn Jones Bikini Covered in Mud of the Day

Jordyn Jones is a young slut from the internet. She may have mainstream coverage, maybe her mom January Jones and dad Tom Jones put some money behind her Youtube Channel…or hooked her up with meetings with old timers trying to connect with the youth to star in the shitty content they produce. I don’t really know the answer, I just know she exists…is a child dancer…and perverts like her. She is what I guess is the new generation, you know Cheesy looking, like modern day Disney Kid without the Disney co-sign, even if this one may have the co-sign, I don’t know….I just know they put out cheesy looking instagram content that is all pretty slutty, soft sell slutty, because no one wants to admit they are a full slut, unless they have a Feminist agenda they learned about watching a Youtube Tutorial on women’s study…you know a vague concept of what Feminism is…but at least it comes with slutty. So everything this generation does is in bikini…and I like bikini and the older I get the more I appreciate anything young in a bikini so long as it is not fat…I do remember a time when I was more discriminatory about bikinis, I’d be like that hot chick is so fucking lame in all that she does I can see through her bullshit and want nothing to do with that…or that chick isn’t as hot as she thinks she is – even in her bikini FUCK HER… But the older I get, the more disconnected from what is cool and what isn’t cool I get, the more I can appreciate just staring at a half naked body, despite her music being pure fucking junk…because her and everyone else is just low grade clickbait you want to buy the panties of off Craigslist…you sick fuck. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jordyn Jones Bikini Covered in Mud of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Jordyn Jones Bikini Covered in Mud of the Day

January Jones Topless Big Titty Scarecrow of the Day

January Jones, who may be better known as Alex Jones’ wife, Jordyn Jones ‘ mom, or Genevieve Jones’ auntie, TOM Jones’ estranged wife, Norah Jones’ cousin….the Mr Jones the Counting Crows used to sing of when they were a band, yes she’s that old, the Dr Jones Aqua used to sing about….January, who was born in February, making her name make no sense to me…the single mother with a guy she never leaked to the press, which will do well for her kid, knowing his dad never loved him, because he doesn’t exist in anything more than hush money….has officially….pulled out her tits for the internet because tits get hits and the only thing good about this slag is her tits…it’s the reason she exists….it’s what makes her January Jones….so why the fuck not get topless on social media, the device or platform designed to make all these ego narcissistic sluts get naked. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post January Jones Topless Big Titty Scarecrow of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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January Jones Topless Big Titty Scarecrow of the Day

Winnie Cooper Still Bringing It of the DAy

Winnie Cooper in a bikini like it was the Wonder Years…and maybe it fucking is… I know one too many 40 year old who fucking loves this girl and has since he watched her on the Wonder Years…so on this Holiday, here’s some Nostalgia brought on by a show based on Nostalgia…in some bikini tit pics cuz it’s never too late to famewhore on insta for your pervert fans… GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! For America. ———————————- JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Winnie Cooper Still Bringing It of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Winnie Cooper Still Bringing It of the DAy

January Jones in a Bikini of the Day

Yo…look close in the pussy region, which is the first place I look when I see a bikini.. That’s a straight up mom pussy lip in a bikini bottom…and it’s bigger than most of your dicks… January Jones is living the American dream, a hot middle class suburbanite who was hot enough to move to NYC and become a model where she fucked her way to the right meetings…has the ability to get knocked up and carry that child into the world in exchange for hefty child support payments…so that she can sit around and live the American dream… In other countries this single mother would be killed off…in America…celebrated… ———————————- JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post January Jones in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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January Jones in a Bikini of the Day

January Jones Bikini of the Day

This is how slutty women – who are likely single moms because it came with a paycheck or because they couldn’t have another abortion – spend their weekends… Tits out in bikini taking selfies for social media for you to remember who she is – since she’s never really been all that famous – but pretty famous considering she’s from some small town where no one had ties to hollywood and is now hollywood – pushing 40 and still saying “look at my tits” – TITS!!

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January Jones Bikini of the Day

Dani Thorne Pussy Dance of the Day

Dani Thorne, is striking when the iron is hot, milking the fact that her sister is famous, after all three sisters were thrown into the child star mix, with what we can assume was a tyrant stage mother you may have jerked off to…. before realizing it’s way cooler to be a hipster model or a DJ for instagram, than a Disney Star… While Bella Thorne played the Disney Star..before following her sisters lead..starting a brand…and casuing mass hysteria money making on instagram because instagram is EVERYTHING.. Here she is dancing in a bikini with her vagina, we call it the pussy vagina, because her pussy leads the motions and it’s pretty fucking hilarious.. Her tits huge, possibly face, her face haggard….but she’s bringing it, whatever it is…it’s this.. Rich young gutter tits… Bella Thorne still Dyking it Down..

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Dani Thorne Pussy Dance of the Day