Tag Archives: really-awkward

Sahara Ray and her Friend of the Day

People get confused about Sahara Ray. They think that she’s relevant, but really she’s just some LA hipster who has pretty much been hooking on her social media aggressively enough to find an instagram audience, and remember there are girls with fat asses you’ve never heard of with just as many followers as her, meaning the whole instagram follower thing isn’t representative of the world, which may be confusing to people who are hooked into instagram….but she does have big tits…tits she shows off…as often as she can…which I guess is everyday on her social media and once or twice for a magazine or two…and as someone who likes tits, I encourage that. This is a video that was emailed to me, I assume produced by GALORE and it’s hip enough for a hip guy like me to encourage because it only has 50 views and has been online for 8 days…. I think my shit gets more views than that..and my shit doesn’t have two half naked bitches in it….but I guess no one can be a hero like me…a hero throwing views to a drowning magazine that has street cred… I mean 53 views in 8 days…and this was in their emailing list….and on their site and social media…wtf….pathetic…

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Sahara Ray and her Friend of the Day

Sahara Ray and her Friend of the Day

People get confused about Sahara Ray. They think that she’s relevant, but really she’s just some LA hipster who has pretty much been hooking on her social media aggressively enough to find an instagram audience, and remember there are girls with fat asses you’ve never heard of with just as many followers as her, meaning the whole instagram follower thing isn’t representative of the world, which may be confusing to people who are hooked into instagram….but she does have big tits…tits she shows off…as often as she can…which I guess is everyday on her social media and once or twice for a magazine or two…and as someone who likes tits, I encourage that. This is a video that was emailed to me, I assume produced by GALORE and it’s hip enough for a hip guy like me to encourage because it only has 50 views and has been online for 8 days…. I think my shit gets more views than that..and my shit doesn’t have two half naked bitches in it….but I guess no one can be a hero like me…a hero throwing views to a drowning magazine that has street cred… I mean 53 views in 8 days…and this was in their emailing list….and on their site and social media…wtf….pathetic…

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Sahara Ray and her Friend of the Day

Charlize Theron Makes the Blowjob Face on Set of a SHoot of the DAy

I am sure you’ve seen at least one classy girl stick her tongue in her cheek, to simulate sucking a dick, usually not in a sexual way, but I’ve had it done to me in a sexual way by at least one stripper and I found it really awkward, but I guess not as awkward as Charlize Theron, South African who came to America after her mom killed her dad with a dream, a dream that involved nude modeling not really making munch money but being found in a bank, pretty much at her breaking point when she was ready to get fucked on film for money, but some asshole producer or casting director moved in at the perfect time for her, bad time for us, preventing that porn career by giving her a mainstream movie role, and 20 years later…she’s still out on set being slutty…before going home to Sean Penn to be slutty…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Charlize Theron Makes the Blowjob Face on Set of a SHoot of the DAy

Charlize Theron Makes the Blowjob Face on Set of a SHoot of the DAy

I am sure you’ve seen at least one classy girl stick her tongue in her cheek, to simulate sucking a dick, usually not in a sexual way, but I’ve had it done to me in a sexual way by at least one stripper and I found it really awkward, but I guess not as awkward as Charlize Theron, South African who came to America after her mom killed her dad with a dream, a dream that involved nude modeling not really making munch money but being found in a bank, pretty much at her breaking point when she was ready to get fucked on film for money, but some asshole producer or casting director moved in at the perfect time for her, bad time for us, preventing that porn career by giving her a mainstream movie role, and 20 years later…she’s still out on set being slutty…before going home to Sean Penn to be slutty…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

See the rest here:
Charlize Theron Makes the Blowjob Face on Set of a SHoot of the DAy

Miley Cyrus Ripped Stomach of the Day

Miley Cyrus has an amazing fucking body, which is all I really care about, because I don’t have the luxury of being in her entourage, or having her sit on my face, grinding against my chin, until she squirts….so I don’t get the benefits of listening to her whine, complain, like the annoying spoiled brat that she is….so in a lot of ways, those of us who don’t have to hear her talk, who don’t have to listen to her shit, and who don’t have to wipe her ass for her, even though we’d like that as long as we get to use our tongue as toilet baber….are the lucky ones, cuz we can just crop out her muppet head and jerk off and focus on her good parts…it is all about looking on the bright side of your pathetic facebook profile pic masturbation existence…

The rest is here:
Miley Cyrus Ripped Stomach of the Day

Miranda Kerr for David Jones Australia of the Day

Miranda Kerr is kinda hot. She should be a model. I mean the way she wears these outfits would make you think that a long lasting career in the shit would be successful. You know she could break free from being the baby momma to some Orlando Bloom celebrity, so people can stop calling her the gold digging celebrity groupie fucker who puts holes in the condoms so that she gets knocked up and he is forced to be locked into her and pay her child support…only unlike mos gold diggers, she didn’t let herself go…. All I know is that someone should start paying her to get half naked in pics, cuz doing at as a hobby to keep busy, you know for friends and family has proven to be hot….

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Miranda Kerr for David Jones Australia of the Day

Kim Kardashian in a Bikini for Twitter of the Day

We all know that Kim Kardashian is contrived….you know such an attention seeking scam…who has fed her daddy issue, spoiled brat, “everyone look at me” at the family dinner party ego, by leveraging it into TV…where she lives out a lie, as herself, and everyone watches and cares, all because it is on TV…the concept alone makes me worried about society…. I am convinced that she is so contrived, and trying so hard to keep what she has going, that these pics are either photoshopped skinnier, or of someone else pretending to be Kim Kardashian, because she’s so fake, such bullshit, this pile of garbage, that I am sure Kim Kardashian doesn’t even know who Kim Kardashian is…and the whole thing is really awkward…but at least she’s got tits….to focus on instead of all the evil she represents.

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Kim Kardashian in a Bikini for Twitter of the Day