Tag Archives: these-awesome

Charlize Theron Makes the Blowjob Face on Set of a SHoot of the DAy

I am sure you’ve seen at least one classy girl stick her tongue in her cheek, to simulate sucking a dick, usually not in a sexual way, but I’ve had it done to me in a sexual way by at least one stripper and I found it really awkward, but I guess not as awkward as Charlize Theron, South African who came to America after her mom killed her dad with a dream, a dream that involved nude modeling not really making munch money but being found in a bank, pretty much at her breaking point when she was ready to get fucked on film for money, but some asshole producer or casting director moved in at the perfect time for her, bad time for us, preventing that porn career by giving her a mainstream movie role, and 20 years later…she’s still out on set being slutty…before going home to Sean Penn to be slutty…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Charlize Theron Makes the Blowjob Face on Set of a SHoot of the DAy

Miley Cyrus of the Day

Attention seeking, stain on the younger generation, unauthentic hipster, who like most other hipsters, are just misguided rich kids with nothing better to do, seeking acceptance and purpose, because they don’t have to work normal jobs, and being weird amongst themselves, just feels cool….Miley Cyrus….brought her artistic interpretative social media performance art….that her peers will celebrate because they are paid….posting the above pic and the below comment…in what I guess is instagram english…thanks to the world being filled with young, porno influenced retards… Do yiew tink if I push muah titties up I’ll get mo followahhhzzzz? #shouldigrowmyhairout? And I am all about this.

The rest is here:
Miley Cyrus of the Day

Anastasia Ashley Exclusive for DrunkenStepfather of the Day

Last month, I was creeping on a photoshoot surfer Anastasia Ashley was starring in for an underwear company called CHEEKI BRAND ….so I had my friend creep along with me and take these awesome 35 mm pics of her ass….because let’s face it…we’re hip, we like film but more importantly, when you’re a surfer in half squat all day…it’s all about your fucking ass…and all that matters is that ass…and figuring out why you’re taking pics of it…not eating it…because clearly it belongs in all of our collective faces…. photos by Russ Roe

Go here to see the original:
Anastasia Ashley Exclusive for DrunkenStepfather of the Day

Meet Czech Hottie Sabina Zavodna

It’s a good thing these pictures of Sabina Zavodna are hot enough to speak for themselves, because I’ve been researching her for a while now and haven’t been able to find out anything about Sabina other than that she’s from the Czech Republic and that she should have way more followers on Instagram . So once you’re done with these awesome bikini shots, go check that out and tell her the Tuna sent you. Who knows, with a little luck, maybe we’ll become pen pals. » view all 15 photos

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Meet Czech Hottie Sabina Zavodna

Meet Czech Hottie Sabina Zavodna

It’s a good thing these pictures of Sabina Zavodna are hot enough to speak for themselves, because I’ve been researching her for a while now and haven’t been able to find out anything about Sabina other than that she’s from the Czech Republic and that she should have way more followers on Instagram . So once you’re done with these awesome bikini shots, go check that out and tell her the Tuna sent you. Who knows, with a little luck, maybe we’ll become pen pals. » view all 15 photos

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Meet Czech Hottie Sabina Zavodna

Ryan Seacrest And His Bikini Clad Beards

So after getting a New Year’s Eve kiss from Miley Cyrus , now here’s Ryan Seacrest hanging out with a bunch of ridiculously hot bikini babes in St. Barts. (And surprise, he’s barely even paying attention to them.) Anyway, apparently being Seacrest’s beard is more than a one-woman job these days. Life just isn’t fair sometimes. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Ryan Seacrest And His Bikini Clad Beards

The First Maria Menounos Booty Update Of 2014.

This just in: it’s time for our first Maria Menounos booty update of 2014. And as you can see thanks to these awesome bikini pictures of Maria on vacation, our favorite Greek booty is looking even better than ever. So next time your lady blames “the holidays” for any additional junk in her trunk, feel free to use these pictures as evidence to the contrary. And then run, because trust me, she’s going to be pissed.

The First Maria Menounos Booty Update Of 2014.

This just in: it’s time for our first Maria Menounos booty update of 2014. And as you can see thanks to these awesome bikini pictures of Maria on vacation, our favorite Greek booty is looking even better than ever. So next time your lady blames “the holidays” for any additional junk in her trunk, feel free to use these pictures as evidence to the contrary. And then run, because trust me, she’s going to be pissed.

Some stepGIRLS Lookin’ Hot in T-Shirts of the Day

For those of you who follow DrunkenStepfatherDotCom on instagram, you will know that there’s a little army of hot as fuck stepGIRLS forming. Our genius friend Gordon Holden sent us a bunch of amazing shirts from his amazing collection. Some that even I wear…and I don’t generally wear clothes…unless they are soiled and stained with mustard, sweat and semen, you know otherwise it gets in the way of being a creep. So we did the natural thing…what anyone would do.. and got a couple of our stepGIRLS posing hot in them….for photographer he loves controversy …Here are the pics…try not to masturbate…I dare you. To get some of these awesome shirts CLICK HERE

Originally posted here:
Some stepGIRLS Lookin’ Hot in T-Shirts of the Day

Julianne Hough Belongs In Leggings

See, now this is why I’m starting to fall in love with Julianne Hough . While the rest of us were out drinking this weekend, Julianne was working out so she can keep delivering these awesome leggings pictures. The only thing that would make this set of pictures any better is a booty shot — and by that I mean me doing a shot of tequila off Julianne’s perfect booty. Quick, everybody hit Julianne up on Twitter and help me try and convince her that Seis de Mayo is a real thing. » view all 12 photos Related Articles: Julianne Hough Shows Off The Hotness Julianne Hough’s Sweet Lingerie Top Julianne Hough’s Tasty Bikini Body Jessica Simpson’s Tasty White Meat Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Julianne Hough Belongs In Leggings