Tag Archives: lock-himself

Kim Kardashian in a Bikini for Twitter of the Day

We all know that Kim Kardashian is contrived….you know such an attention seeking scam…who has fed her daddy issue, spoiled brat, “everyone look at me” at the family dinner party ego, by leveraging it into TV…where she lives out a lie, as herself, and everyone watches and cares, all because it is on TV…the concept alone makes me worried about society…. I am convinced that she is so contrived, and trying so hard to keep what she has going, that these pics are either photoshopped skinnier, or of someone else pretending to be Kim Kardashian, because she’s so fake, such bullshit, this pile of garbage, that I am sure Kim Kardashian doesn’t even know who Kim Kardashian is…and the whole thing is really awkward…but at least she’s got tits….to focus on instead of all the evil she represents.

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Kim Kardashian in a Bikini for Twitter of the Day

Jennifer Aniston Nipple Tricks of the Day

Jennifer Aniston is old as fuck….unable to have children both because no man was every crazy enough to lock himself down to her, even though I would….but also because her boxy body is screaming menopause….she’s still trying to hold onto her glory days, you know to divert from the fact that she’s infertile and never going to have a family of her own thanks to her ego and being obsessed with her career….and she’s tapping into old tricks that were a success back in her Friends days…to show off those hard nipples and everyone will confuse her for being someone hot…when really she’s not…except maybe for that Greek thing, but all young girls go Greek these days, the above 30 crowd are the ones uptight about that shit cuz they didn’t grow up on hardcore anal porn and with Gay Best Friends who talk about dick in ass enough to make girls want to try it…..if you know what I mean…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jennifer Aniston Nipple Tricks of the Day

Jennifer Aniston Photoshopped Baby of the Day

People are talking about Jennifer Aniston’s photoshoot for Allure’s cover, because she’s old, unable to get pregant because no dude is crazy enough to lock himself down to her high maintenance ass, except maybe a bunch of dudes, like me, who she wants nothing to do with, cuz she’s trying to upstage Brad Pitt, cuz he upstaged her…. So her fantasy of babies has gone to far, and now she’s posing for infantilism erotica, teddy bear and open shirt, sexing up the idea of infancy in a mainstream magazine, and unfortunately, she kept the diaper changing for the privacy of her own bedroom… The sick thing in all this is that I know at least one person is jerking off to this photoshopped monster looking pussy…because that one person is me….not cuz I like little topless kids or 45 year old infertile bitches playing them….but because I like desperation…. Here is a video of some very very gay dude talking about the shoot with his very very weird dick sucking mouth….and speech impedement… Here is another one of the creepy yet highly enjoyable bottom feeding shots…

Originally posted here:
Jennifer Aniston Photoshopped Baby of the Day