Tag Archives: simulating-sex

Kate Beckinsale Potential Nipple of the Day

Kate Beckinsale is back in conversation because she’s fucking Ariana Grande’s boyfriend from SNL and her very loyal, weirdo, pervert fans are very mad about it… So in the last few months, we’ve seen more of Kate Beckinsale than for the years before….since Underworld…her movie franchise that probably made her a ton of money, not that she needed money, her parents were rich and famous in their own right, and so was her husband who she got knocked up by 18 years ago…where she created Lily Mo Sheen….Charlie Sheen’s child…CLICK TO SEE Lily Mo Sheen Simulating Sex Making her a weird science experiment, which her virgin nerd fans embraced and loved….firstly as someone from the UK, she’s supposed to genetically not be able to get hot…the UK generally an ugly place with bad teeth and grey skin….at least outside of London in the countryside amongst the working class…just a bunch of gloomy fucking Chimney sweepers who eat nothing but potatoes and stew while chainsmoking…..and secondly as a mom who had her vagina ripped out of her to create a child….only to become a nerd icon… It’s a weird story, but she’ got big cleavage, still looks good and here she is out there getting noticed… Some say you can see her nipple, I am not some….I don’t see shit…but Kate Beckinsale and for her fans…that is always enough…you fucking weirdos. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Here she is making out with her lover Pete Davidson. She’s 45 and her probablly has a huge cock and celebs are weirdos who do weird things… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Kate Beckinsale Potential Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kate Beckinsale Potential Nipple of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen Simulating Sex of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen is out here simulating or having sex on instagram… She is KATE BECKINSALE and Michael Sheen’s kid…I like to say she’s Charlie Sheen’s kid, because he’s more interesting than Michael Sheen…with his HIV positive status from fucking whores while he was partying harder than he was Luke Perry, before Luke Perry was dead….like who the fuck is Michael Sheen anyway….other than an uninvolved father, who throws checks at his girl, and instilled shitty moral and values into her, he’s an actor…it’s not his fault… So here is his girl, followed by creepy fans of her mom, living that college girl party life……simulating sex on social media..and it’s some brilliant work. If you’re going to be an entitled rich kid, make it work for you, and give the people what they want…it’s hot…even when she’s not as hot as her mom…which in and of itself..is probably a weird thing to grow up in…and simulating sex on social media is probably tame compared to what she probably actual does to fill that void of feeling inadequate knowing she’ll never be Kate Beckinsale…. Who knows..save that for her high paid shrink….or don’t…I prefer untreated exhibitionists who bring the perv content and progressively get more pervy the more attention they get…my kind of domino effect. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lily Mo Sheen Simulating Sex of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lily Mo Sheen Simulating Sex of the Day

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Simulate Sex on Magazine Cover

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have once again posed for a controversial photo. No, this time they are not making like Jesus Christ . Instead, they are pretending to make love. Yes, that’s a seemingly nude Kim Kardashian straddling a naked Kanye West on the cover of French magazine L’Officiel Hommes . We can only imagine how the couple’s little girl will eventually react when she learns how to use Google… Do you find this cover shot classy or creepy? Sound off now on Kim and Kanye simulating sex for all to see. It is…   Sweet and romantic! TMI personified! View Poll »

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Simulate Sex on Magazine Cover

NSFW Music Video of the Day

If I was a no name band….or an up and coming band…or a rapper…or pretty much anyone trying to get attention on the internet…I’d produce videos with girls getting naked, showing their cunt, simulating sex with a guitar, because even if it’s been done 1000 times before…people will always watch it… So I’d to give Emilio Rojas Ft. Mickey Factz and their song Ex-Girl some love for being not that creative or innovative cuz they didn’t have to be since naked bitches get hits…I mean it doesn’t even have to be a good song and it’ll get noticed…I wouldn’t know cuz I watched this on mute. Enjoy. To See the Video – Follow This Link GO

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NSFW Music Video of the Day

Sarah Michelle Gellar in her One Piece for a Movie of the Day

It’s been a real big week for Sarah Michelle Gellar. First I wrote about how she’s pretty much fallen off the map and no one cares about her, except maybe some of her Buffy fans, because Buffy fans are usually pretty loyal, since they have little else going on, especially when it comes to pussy, even though it’s been decades since that shit was on the air, and now she’s in a movie wearing one-piece bathing suits and simulating sex and masturbating, I’m not really sure what the fuck is going on, but I definitely know this role is not comin’ in at the peak of her career, we’re into the sunset years..Good Bye Sarah Michelle Gellar, at least your fans will remember you with their multiple box sets of the Buffy Complete series, in the event one gets scratched, along with photocopies of every single picture this bitch was ever in before being in roles like this shit called Veronika Decides to Die cuz she’s gotta pay the bills….and I know still get you off…. Here’s the masturbating… Here’s the boring Sex scene….


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Sarah Michelle Gellar in her One Piece for a Movie of the Day