Tag Archives: get-attention

Kaylee Killion Naked of the Day

Here’s Kaylee Killion getting naked for Instagram to get attention and noticed because she’s not all that hot, so she’s gotta put that effort into getting herself out there, to make up for what she doesn’t naturally have…. It’s like all these instagram girls are fucking trolls, a variation of a troll, trying to get noticed half naked, cuz that’s what they are good for…body parts…not a sum of their parts…but the asshole, or the nipple…or whatever…but the package deal as a whole is what you’d expect it to be…not worth the 5 dollars you spend a month on their patreon to see their butthole….but it’s only 5 bucks, bitch clearly needs. Kaylee Killion….nipples in underwear for some bullshit…not important…not special..creative or interesting…but on the internet for all to partake in… The post Kaylee Killion Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kaylee Killion Naked of the Day

Brazilian Politician Has Good Time and Other Videos of the Day

Man Steals 5k of Lingerie from Victoria’s Secret Horrible BIKE Accident Robot Waiters in China… Car VS TRain Dead Mouse in Chinese Food… Circus Fail… The post Brazilian Politician Has Good Time and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Brazilian Politician Has Good Time and Other Videos of the Day

Rena Riffel Voted of the Day

Like Halloween the vote keeps getting talked about… The star of such movies like Showgirls, Striptease and Mulholland Drive….voted.. Thanks you 49 year old slut….nice to see your irrelevance get to this point of desperate…. There is a movement that isn’t as offensive as young fat chicks…that involves old ladies being fun and almost hot – which goes against my core beliefs as a creepy pervert…that makes me question my entire existence as a man…and that makes me realize that I should come to terms with my prejudice and embrace the old chick old and enough to not fucking care and give it one last shot cuz it ain’t her first rodeo cowboy and with experience comes looser skin, saggier all around, but a more well rounded and wise person… Old ladies can do topless vote sticker pics too…and this lady voted a dozen times on some voter fraud tits… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rena Riffel Voted of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rena Riffel Voted of the Day

Chanel Iman and her Nipple of the Day

Chanel Iman….has her tit out at an event because she’s an Ethnic model from the mean streets of Victoria’s Secret, who I don’t know whether she still works their fashion show, but who I am sure is still on payroll…like when you are salary with a company…who created you…you owe your lifeline to them as they are the only reason you exist….you owe it to them to get attention because to be them is to promote the mall brand subliminally….even Heidi Klein decades after her VS experience…with all she’s done on TV is still a living breathing VS at… Like this one with her nip out.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Chanel Iman and her Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chanel Iman and her Nipple of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld in Her Bra of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld was once an underage actress I am sure at least one of you has masturbated to, mainly because you are perverts, but also because America made sexualizing her illegal, and everyone is drawn to what they aren’t allowed to do…or maybe men are just drawn to underage girls in some unhealthy, obsessive weird way…thinking they are fresh and untouched, even though girls get their periods at 4 years old now, and have sex by 8…with everyone in their class…all thanks to internet porn and hormones in the food… Hailee Steinfeld is no longer underage, and she’s sexualizing herself to get attention, posting pics of her in a bra and all that other EXCITING shit…that comes when a girl famous from a movie as a child thanks to being from LA and having parents willing to take her to auditions, to famous in other movies, to famous as a pop star, to famous as a half naked attention seeker..I’m down. The post Hailee Steinfeld in Her Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hailee Steinfeld in Her Bra of the Day

Dora Yoder Hot Bush of the Day

Dora Yoder is some hipster “model” or “artist” as she probably likes to be referred to as…you know it legitimizes her existence as more than just naked clickbait imagery for the internet – in efforts to get attention and seen – so that she can polarize what she does into actually mattering, leading to work, or money, or people buying her art..it’s all tactical and if you’re cute enough it works…. I am not hating, I think the world needs girls like this to inspire other girls to grow out their bush, since bush is my fucking life, I’ve been an advocate for bush forever, I want as big a bush as possible, a panty pillow really and all that bald pussy shit is for Bros and Kardashians….not for young girls I want to have sit on my face. I am not going to go into my bush promotional campaign, I’ve been writing about it forever and YOU should know by now.. I am going to put up pictures of a girl and her bush, that she doesn’t want you to jerk off to cuz it’s art, which makes jerking off to it more gratifying… Dora Yoder…I love you. The post Dora Yoder Hot Bush of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Dora Yoder Hot Bush of the Day

Jennifer Aniston Old Lady Erotica of the Day

Old Lady Jennifer Aniston proves that it may be too late to have kids due to menopause and her egotistical narcissism in her younger years forcing her to push off pregnancy to be the “hot chick” who isn’t even that hot….but who I guess demanded dudes she fucked to finish in her ass – GREEK or maybe dudes didn’t want to make babies with her because she’s a maniac….crazy rich weirdo who has the world validating her importance and celebrity….it’s all our fault she is a terrible person no one sticks with because she sucks.. But it’s never too late to show off you tits, to get attention with your tits, to matter because of your tits, because we love tits… I mean it doesn’t matter now, but in the 90s when she was on friends, and constantly hard nippled, that was fucking edgy, pushing it, didn’t happen on TV, and I am sure many dudes jerked off to it, I’m sure it’s part of why the show got viewers, because we love tits… Here she is in a magazine… The post Jennifer Aniston Old Lady Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jennifer Aniston Old Lady Erotica of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley As An Instagram Model Is Creepy

This whole Elizabeth Hurley trying to be an Instagram model at 52 was cute for a minute, but now it’s getting creepy. Don’t get me wrong I’d be more than happy to have my filthy mitts all over her cougar body, but at her age there is something about a lady having class and owning it. This is what young insecure chicks do to get attention and followers on social media. Anyway, I feel bad for her son having to witness all these posts that she publishes. Weird.                

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Elizabeth Hurley As An Instagram Model Is Creepy

Kenzie is Naked of the Day

Kenzie is some naked model…who probably isn’t a model…but that who isn’t a great marketer since I can’t google the bitch to find her social media as most girls named KENZIE seem to be fucking randoms who I guess are named Mackenzie or Mckenzie….one a cross fit girl, one a dude….but none this naked model trying to get attention…maybe that’s the key to attention making now…be vague, ambiguous, obscure..so no one knows you and you seem less eager…who knows…NOT ME…I just post pics… Oh I found her…her name is Kersen – KENZIE KERSEN….fascinating.. The post Kenzie is Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kenzie is Naked of the Day

Bella Thorne Stripper Dance of the DAy

I was not planning on doing any Bella Thorne content today, because it is Labor Day, we all need our time off, and because I hate being sucked into her scam that I know is just a fucking scam, basic low level marketing scam, to get attention scam…and with that attention she will make more money, get more jobs and continue to scam harder and harder until one day she expires, you know do as much as you can as hard as you can as fast as you can and this half nakedness is just trendy, the style, all the girls are doing it…and I love it…but I know it comes from an evil, selling product way, taking away the authenticity, not that she’s authentic, I’m sure the tits are fake, I know the face is face, but I still get into it….but probably because she’s lookin’ tranny faced and tranny, like nude selfies, are also trendy….so hard to keep up with these idiots…so many idiots…everywhere… The post Bella Thorne Stripper Dance of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Bella Thorne Stripper Dance of the DAy