Tag Archives: more-the-kind

Rachel Zimmerman Naked of the Day

According to WIKIPEDIA RACHEL ZIMMERMAN is a scientist….from Canada…who showed a great interest in space at a young age. She invented the Blisssympbols in 1984, which is a tool to help people with Cerebral Palsy….communicate…and now…at 46…she’s naked on the internet like all good 46 year old scientists should do..to celebrate their accomplishments… Maybe this is a different Rachel Zimmerman…one who doesn’t bother with the whole becoming a scientist when you can just get naked on the internet…vagina for alll The post Rachel Zimmerman Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rachel Zimmerman Naked of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Got Them Angles of the Day

Aubrey O’Day has turned herself into a muppet, but not the Jim Hansen kind of muppet people would frown on you for fucking, like they frowned on him when he used to fuck his muppets, because there is no way his muppeteering wasn’t driven by some weird sexual fetish. Aubrey O’Day is more the kind of muppet you’d want to fuck, like a sex doll, all filled with face injections and other injections, to not come across as a mid 30s year old woman. All the porn chicks do it, the Kardashians do it, society doesn’t turn on this, but throw money at this which I don’t full understand because it’s weird looking, but then again society is celebrating men with implants on hormones…so it’s just a reminder we’re all fucked up and fucking crazy…and that Aubrey O’Day..weird or not – still got it going on…keeping up with the Kardashians and such. Here she is in Video…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Aubrey O’Day Got Them Angles of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Aubrey O’Day Got Them Angles of the Day

Elodie Christ is Good…of the Day

Jesus Elodie Christ…. She’s apparently a model, she goes by the name Elodie Christ, maybe it’s her actual name, maybe she’s one of Jesus’ distant relatives, who the fuck am I to know these things… What I do know is that this is a shoot for Marie Claire France of her in some early 80s blazer….but more interestingly in her goddamn underwear on a studio floor…doing something I love…pantyhose over panties….it’s not something I google, but I do remember the first time my high school girlfriend changed out of her waitressing clothes when I was just a young pervert, a not very refined pervert, a pervert who didn’t know how to channel my perversion to make a massive fucking media empire no one has ever heard of…but more the kind of pervert who got an instant erection and was forced to jerk off on myself because she was tired as she posed in the bed….smelling like dirty feet from sweating in the pantyhose all day…but I didn’t care…the way it shaped her young tight body…was perfection… Now that I am old as fuck, I don’t quite get the same excitement, but the memories are forever…and this instigated that…so here this is…to inspire your own pervert shit that happens when you see hot chicks named after your lord and saviour in her damn panties… The post Elodie Christ is Good…of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elodie Christ is Good…of the Day

Karreuche Tran Tight Pants Ass of the Day

Karreuche Tran is one of those beat up by Chris Brown Chicks…who has a far better ass that Rihanna, you know trade in the billionaire popstar from the Islands with an ego, who went nuts on you, forcing you to beat her up because you’re a fucked dancing sold by your parents closet case homosexual girls like to fuck…..with the hot ass girl who isn’t a a billionaire…or really known…other than being one of Chris Brown’s chicks…but who now gets work and drives a Maseratti thanks to being Chris Brown’s chick…because take some shit, and get paid motherfucker… I don’t find battered wife erotica appealing at all. Even if girl did it to get famous. One could argue that Rihanna really blew up after she got beat up, while Chris Brown fell off.. I am more the kind of guy who like girls who can’t stand me, who disgust me, and with some coaxing end up having sex with me, because I am just that charming and into challenges, but am normally too lazy for challenges… I do know dudes who are really into being aggressive with women, caging them, owning them, typical weirdo behavior…and I know women who are into that… But I do not know anyone who is into bruising women, hitting women, and beating women, and any dude who does like seeing that, or is into doing that …. should be taken out back and shot… Under any and no circumstance should a woman ever be hit or aggressed by a dude, it’s just not right.. But she does have a great ass..and I do like great ass.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Karreuche Tran Tight Pants Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Karreuche Tran Tight Pants Ass of the Day

Eva Biechy is a Naked French Model of the Day

I know what you’re thinking – and that is how something like this Eva Biechy exist and you’ve never heard of her…while so many girls, who ar ehardly girls, but rather vapid cunts, are shoved down our throats – but are hardly as good as this Eva Biechy …a magical French Model…living in Japan…because Japanese business men pay white girls lots of money to meet them for dinner… I don’t know what this shoot is for, I’m not that kind of blogger – who actually reports important news, current events, or spews my opinion like it matters… I am more the kind of person humiliated I have a blog, that’s some low grade, tennage girl in the late 90s with her livejournal shit…and I am well aware that nothing I saw matters, is of substance…but I will say Eva Biechy …is everything and I’m sticking to it… The post Eva Biechy is a Naked French Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Eva Biechy is a Naked French Model of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord Nipple of the Day

Some like to think that AnnaLynne McCord is low on the totem pole of relevance…in the “hollywood” industry….but the fact is that she’s not even on the Totem pole, hell she’s not even part of the tribe that built the fucking Totem pole, she’s more the kind of girl who rolls through and tries to sit in the face of the totem pole, you know see how deep she can get it to got… She was on one show, once, that was a redux of a 90s show, in an era where people don’t know how to produce original content but rather relive old successes….without realizing those old successes only worked because it was pre-internet and network TV controlled what we watched….and don’t work now…because we have options… Either way, she got paid enough to still be around – and in being around – she’s figuring out and navigating how to get talked about – as her management and agents aren’t going to bat for her, they’ve got other things going on…. Seriously, the actors 90210 the Next Generation – hoping it’d work like Drake’s Degrassi up in Canada….have all gone onto nothing more than low level fame whoring and what better way to do that than by showing nipple at an event. TO SEE MORE PICS OF THIS OLD HAG AND OTHER HAGS AT THE SUPERBOWL CLICK HERE The post AnnaLynne McCord Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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AnnaLynne McCord Nipple of the Day

Models for Terribly Boring La Perla Ads of the Day

Natasha Poly, Liu Wen, and Mariacarla Boscono are the models selected for the La Perla Spring / Summer 2016 campaign…and shit is pretty fucking boring for a lingerie company… I’m not expecting these higher end version of Victoria’s Secret, and less interesting version of Agent Provocateur to go down the Miley Cyrus route of strap-ons and fucking ridiculousness, with midgets and obese women…on some sideshow kick.. But I’m not expecting them to be as generic as Victoria’s Secret, or even more generic than Victoria’s Secret, I mean even Victoria’s Secret is more interesting to look at than this… The funny thing in all this is they hired Mert & Marcus, who makes 80k a day for this kind of thing…which to me is a huge waste of fucking money….unless they are marketing lingerie in some Christian Weekly paper, I don’t get this at all… But here’s some expensive models, shot by expensive photographers, for an expensive brand, and the end result is some bootleg shit… The post Models for Terribly Boring La Perla Ads of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Models for Terribly Boring La Perla Ads of the Day

Olivia Wilde Is in a Bikini in Hawaii of the Day

I don’t really know why I hate on Olivia Wilde….but for some reason I’ve decided she’s an overrated target of my deep rooted, soulless anger… Maybe it is because she’s old, 31 or something equally disgusting…maybe it’s because I don’t find her hot…or maybe it’s because I haven’t seen any of her TV shows or movies, so she’s more the kind of celebrity who just shows up in my feed and look at her mom body and think…what the fuck is this… I do know that her birth name is cockburn, and that was something I had fun with at least once or twice… I also know that she’s got an outty pussy that is sticking its tongue out at us…but I can’t be sure if that’s baby making related, or getting famous related, or just the way she was born… I mean she’s in a bikini, she’s some socialite from a long line of respected journalist in both the UK and America, but she decided to use those connections to get on TV…and I guess now to get in the paparazzi…. It’s all so boring…but check out that outty pussy. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Olivia Wilde Is in a Bikini in Hawaii of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Olivia Wilde Is in a Bikini in Hawaii of the Day

Tough Guy Ronda Roussey on Jimmy Fallon of the Day

I wonder how many people Ronda Roussey jerk off to her while she’s fighting… I am assuming most dudes jerk off to UFC every time they watch it…because that’s just the kind of testosterone release these bros that are into…that’s why they throw in the ring girls…to just straighten it out…why else would anyone be into fighting that much..because even when UFC is girl UFC…it’s the same as the dudes fighting…because their clits are the size of your dick… I’d post the video, but I hate that Jimmy Fallon motherfucker’s face…and who cares about what Ronda Roussey has to say, she’s more the kind of girl you look at to be dominated by, or testicle torture, or whatever these bros TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Tough Guy Ronda Roussey on Jimmy Fallon of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Tough Guy Ronda Roussey on Jimmy Fallon of the Day

Victoria Justice in Cosmo of the Day

Her name is Victoria Justice. Pedophile types, well not really pedophile types, more the kind of guy who likes jail bait, which according to statistics is all guys, especially those repressed assholes with kids, who can’t find 5 minutes to jerk off, because if their kids aren’t on their asses, their wives are…living a life of hell ..hell filled with Nickelodeon shows they are forced to watch because they can’t even choose their own shows….and girls like this are cast as the main characters…to seduce you and remind you of all you are missing out on because everyone knows they have had their childhood robbed of them by their parents, and that’s the kind of issues we like in spoiled brats with hot young bodies…that they have been trained to slut out with…hence why her topless nudes happened…. She’s over 18…and now she’s in Cosmo….but you’re still a fucking creep.

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Victoria Justice in Cosmo of the Day