Tag Archives: often-cracks

This is why Apple’s killing it


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Watching this clip of then two-year old Bridger working an iPad effortlessly as if it was second nature to him gave me a pause. His dad Mike says that “his speech, understanding, word recognition, and even hand eye coordination have improved within just a short while.” Bridger often cracks a smile, his eyes lighting up Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : 9 to 5 Mac Discovery Date : 20/03/2011 14:10 Number of articles : 2

This is why Apple’s killing it

Self-Healing Concrete Could Mean Longer Life, Less CO2 Emissions

Concrete often cracks due to shrinkage, impact or loading, and then the moisture gets in, corrodes the reinforcing or spalls in freeze-thaw cycles. Michelle Pelletier, a University of Rhode Island master’s degree candidate, has figured out a way to make it “self-healing”, and says this will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Self-Healing Concrete Could Mean Longer Life, Less CO2 Emissions