Tag Archives: olive gray

Olive Gray Nipples of the Day

Olive Gray is some UK actress….who must be half white / half black in order to explain her last name…you see black and white mixed together makes grey….as it turns out…her last name isn’t Gray, that is just her color… Her dad, the BLACK one in her GRAY is some UK 80s popstar named David Grant… Her mom, the WHITE one in her Gray, is his wife….paving the way for their daughter to bring her tits out at an event…not that you need an excuse to bring your tits out to an event..just fucking bring it fools. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Olive Gray Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Olive Gray Nipples of the Day

Olive Gray Nipples of the Day

Olive Gray is some UK actress….who must be half white / half black in order to explain her last name…you see black and white mixed together makes grey….as it turns out…her last name isn’t Gray, that is just her color… Her dad, the BLACK one in her GRAY is some UK 80s popstar named David Grant… Her mom, the WHITE one in her Gray, is his wife….paving the way for their daughter to bring her tits out at an event…not that you need an excuse to bring your tits out to an event..just fucking bring it fools. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Olive Gray Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Olive Gray Nipples of the Day