Tag Archives: one-unsettling

Your Christmas Viewing is Settled

“There are three reasons to watch a Christmas film. I have the perfect culmination to all three of those scenarios, and it not only involves a shit-ton of novelty songs, but also Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. So here’s the truest thing I’ll ever tell you: Holiday Inn is the Classic Hollywood Christmas Movie to rule them all, and the $2.99 you’ll spend renting it on iTunes is a third of what you’d spend on a glass of wine at a respectable establishment. (That is how I judge expenses: that sparkly Christmas dress costs five G.O.W [glasses of wine]; a ticket to see The Fassbender in the theater costs two.)” [ The Hairpin ]

Your Christmas Viewing is Settled

Marion Cotillard Whines (and Wins) in John Cameron Mitchell’s 5-Minute Lady Dior Ad

Before I gift you with John Cameron Mitchell’s cute and funny five-minute short film for Dior where Marion Cotillard endures a panic attack during a photo shoot, let me acknowledge one unsettling truth: When she’s wearing banana curls and pink lipstick, Cotillard is a dead-ringer for Katy Perry. I DID NOT MAKE THE RULES. I’m sorry I discovered this, and I hope we can join hands and chuckle as we watch this silly photoshoot parody. “Open up that neck for me!”

Original post:
Marion Cotillard Whines (and Wins) in John Cameron Mitchell’s 5-Minute Lady Dior Ad