Tag Archives: only-encourage

Drunk Guy Sleep Walking and Other Videos of the Day

Patient and Doctor Fighting – Fall Down Elevator Shaft Truck Accidents of the Day Drunk British Pig Chechen Guy Shooting Inside Living Room 7-11 is a Slice of Heaven Naked Woman in a Gas Station

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Drunk Guy Sleep Walking and Other Videos of the Day

Kim Kardashian Makes Fun of Her Fat Whore Self for T-Mobile of the Day

The fact that brands endorse this porn trash makes and not only encourage her to exist, but rather finance her life with these million dollar campaigns, would make me sick to my fucking stomach, but I don’t care enough about that, and if anything, I like knowing that society is fucking doomed…humanity is over…I find comfort in that. I get it, people just want to monetize everything and anything and will use any gutter trash they can as long as that gutter trash has followers to get there. It’s like one talentless fame whore, who is an actual whore, there’s video proof endorsing big brands like T-Mobile, who won’t advertise on this site because it’s got nipple, but they’ll give this bitch, who gets railed unprotected by a dude in video millions… because these big brandsy are hypocrites… All this to say…she’s the worst, T-Mobile are latching onto her and supporting her, and thus they are the worst too.

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Kim Kardashian Makes Fun of Her Fat Whore Self for T-Mobile of the Day