Tag Archives: only-reaction

Facebook page calls for "Everybody Draw [the] Holocaust Day"

More moral equivalence. It turns out it's not just Iranians who have seen fit to draw equivalences between the Holocaust and mocking Islam and Muhammad . Of course, the issue is complicated by the propensity among Muslim communities for Holocaust denial. So, drawing that same equivalence, if they think the Holocaust is trivial or didn't happen, does that mean the Muhammad cartoons don't matter, either? In any event, one page (there are others) can currently be found here. But here's why their argument ultimately falls flat: Death threats and actual attempts at murder have been in plentiful supply for Muhammad cartoons. No matter how Muslims attempt to mock the Holocaust as a sacred but unfounded “belief” in the West, there will be no reciprocal response for this event. In a society that values free speech, they are free to make fools of themselves for all to see. The only reaction needed is to publicize it, and to respond — with more free speech. added by: crystalman