Tag Archives: only-the-period

Martha Hunt for Free People Lingerie of the Day

Martha Hunt is a Victoria’s Secret model and I guess free agent being used by Free People, some other lingerie company to promote their lingerie for Valentine’s day that I posted last week.. Shit’s all romantic and a reminder that if you have a wife, she’s probably not wearing Free People lingerie, because they don’t make it in her fat size, and more importantly, she doesn’t look like Martha Hunt, because she is fat sized…and if you do things right, you’re going to pretend Valentine’s Day didn’t happen, just so that you don’t get her a gift, hoping it will motivate her to leave you, but more importantly to keep her emotional damaged enough to keep eating, so she never leaves you…or if that she does leave you…like she was Martha Hunt and you were Victoria’s Secret…

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Martha Hunt for Free People Lingerie of the Day

Kaili Thorne Nude and Covered in Body Paint of the Day

I am a massive KAILI THORNE FAN …even though Kaili Thorne barely exists, I just like that she comes from a Jackson type family that pumps out kids, gives them stupid names and throws them to the hollywood marketplace to get jobs… Some land Disney and others hit the art scene doing some fabricated high concept lesbians hipster feminist art…that these young people think is revolutionary…like when they throw up paint on canvases to represent negative body image int he media and bulimia…only the period blood version… I just care that she’s naked, like the other feminist girls, only better, because unlike the other feminist girls, I want to see this one naked…

See the original post:
Kaili Thorne Nude and Covered in Body Paint of the Day