Tag Archives: orphanage-home

Fake Ryan Gosling Facebook Page Claims Actor Adopts Baby, Gets 930,000 Likes on Bogus Post

Women across the world already prone to swooning over Ryan Gosling were given another amazing reason to do so this weekend. Too bad it wasn’t real. On Saturday, a fake Facebook page claiming to be the actor’s official page posted an emotional missive accompanied by a photo of him with a baby. The Facebook page is not verified, but has 169,000 likes … and 930,000 more likes on the Father’s Day post, with many fans praising the actor’s “decision.” What was that non-decision not made by Gosling, you ask? “This father’s day, I’ve decided to tell the story of how I became a father,” the post began. “This little guy was only 9 months old when I became his dad.” “His mom and I were great friends before she passed away from cancer. I promised her, I’d always look after him. So, I had decided to step up and become his dad.” “He brought me so much joy. He was my everything. 1 year after the adoption, his biological father wanted him. Of course, I put up a fight, but he won.” “That 1 year of being his father taught me how to love unconditionally. We have to stop and be thankful for our children and children should stop and be thankful for their parents.” “What I truly learned most of all is, every child needs love.” Wow. As if Ryan Gosling weren’t dreamy enough right? “Reason 90636 why you’re the most perfect man on the planet!” one fan gushed, unaware that this was an utter fabrication (although a moving one). “Omg you are utterly AMAZING!” another declared. The post linked to a site to purchase a T-shirt that reads “Young Wild and Free,” with proceeds going to the Orphanage Home Foundation (which does not exist). Buying said t-shirt also enters you into a raffle to spend the day with Ryan Gosling, with the small caveat that Ryan Gosling will not be attending. But he sure is good-looking and inspiring, isn’t he? 17 Hottest Photos of Ryan Gosling 1. Crazy Stupid Love Ryan Gosling showed so crazy stupid abs for Crazy Stupid Love. Shirtless Ryan Gosling is delicious.

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Fake Ryan Gosling Facebook Page Claims Actor Adopts Baby, Gets 930,000 Likes on Bogus Post