Tag Archives: other-blokes

YouTube’s Scariest Robots

In this week's “Viral Video Film School,” Brett takes a look at the scariest videos of robots talking, climbing, coughing, fighting, and kissing that the Internet has to offer. Viral Video Film School is a recurring segment on the weekly television show infoMania. In each episode of VVFS, Professor Brett Erlich teaches you valuable skills in the discipline of Viral Video making. So sit down, take notes, and try not to piss him off. For more Brett visit http://current.com/viral-video-film-school-im/ and Current TV. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10 pm Eastern and Pacific Times and can be found online at http://current.com/infomania/ or on Current TV. And make sure to check out our facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Brett_Erlich

The Dangers of World Cup Soccer Reporting

A look at the dangerous, unintelligible, and frequently hilarious world of World Cup reporting. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10 pm Eastern and Pacific Times and can be found online at http://current.com/infomania/ or on Current TV. And make sure to check out our facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Conor_Knighton

Brazilian waxing nearly cost UK man his nuts

GAME-for-a-laugh Joe Cooper was left in agony after a bikini waxing by mates in a PUB went wrong. One of the strips stuck to a very sensitive spot – and an over-energetic tug tore off SIX of his seven layers of skin. Doctors told steel erector Joe he had come within half an inch of losing a testicle. Joe, 24, and ten male pals had agreed to have the usually girls-only beauty therapy to raise cash for a local hospital. But all the others just had their chests waxed, while Joe endured the “male Brazilian”. Onlookers placed bids to pull the strips off in the charity event at The Trees pub in Birstall, Leicester. Joe said: “The other blokes wimped out but I said I'd do it. “I lay down and closed my eyes and the next thing I know I'm in horrendous pain and bleeding. I've never known pain like it. Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3017351/Brazilian-nearly-cost-me-my-nu… http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3017351/Brazilian-nearly-cost-me-my-nu… added by: unimatrix0