Tag Archives: other-types

13 Dogs Who May Actually Be Something Else

As previously documented in detail, pets sometimes like to act like they’re human . Take these dogs, for instance. They love to just kick back, relax and watch TV sometimes – and can you really blame them? A life of sleeping, fetching, walking and eating can be stressful. But other times canines don’t necessarily act like humans… they look like humans! Specifically, Russian President Vladimir Putin and/or beloved actor Harrison Ford. They also look like stuffed animals, breakfast food items and other types of creatures, none of whom you would typically compare with Man’s Best Friend. But these photos speak (humorously) for themselves. Click around now and admire 13 dogs who may not actually be dogs… 13 Dogs Who May Not Be Dogs 1. A doggy bear Dog, meet Teddy Bear. Teddy Bear, meet Dog. Can you tell them apart, readers?

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13 Dogs Who May Actually Be Something Else

Holly Madison For Foot Fetish Freaks

Here’s Holly Madison leaving E! studios after taping an appearance on Chelsea Lately. Hmm… I think she forgot something.

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Holly Madison For Foot Fetish Freaks