Tag Archives: our-beautiful

Google Kicks Off Black History Month With Edmonia Lewis Doodle

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Black History Month is officially upon us and that means for the next 28 days we’ll be celebrating our beautiful, unapologetic blackness, although it should be celebrated by everyone throughout the year. One of the best parts about Black History Month is learning about great African Americans that you may not be familiar with, but […]

Google Kicks Off Black History Month With Edmonia Lewis Doodle

#LHHH Drama: Brandi Goes Off On ‘Bad Mom’ Moniece For Calling Her Son ‘Ugly’—But Is Moniece Ready To Apologize???

Out…of…pocket… Brandi Boyd Responds To Moniece Slaughter’s “Ugly Son” Diss Remember when we showed you that shocking video of Moniece Slaughter going off about Brandi Boyd and sinking low enough to slander her son ??? Well Brandi is responding to Moniece’s diss and it ain’t pretty. According to the mom/fellow Love & Hip Hop Hollywood star , Moniece is “garbage” and the “lowest form of scum” for speaking ill of her baby boy. “You attack a family because it’s something you want but can’t have,” said Brandi. “There is nothing lower than attacking our beautiful son.” But is Moniece sorry for her actions??? Hit the flip for a possible response. Continue reading

Washington student Gia Soriano Photo

Washington state high school student Gia Soriano died Sunday night, more than two days after she was shot, officials at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett said. The 14-year-old girl who was wounded when a student opened fire inside a Washington state high school has died, raising the death toll in the shooting to three. “We are devastated by this senseless tragedy,” her family said in a statement, read at a news conference by Dr. Joanne Roberts. “Gia is our beautiful daughter, and word

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Washington student Gia Soriano Photo

Alberto Cutie wife Ruhama Cutie give birth girl

On Thursday, Ruhama Cutie gave birth to a baby girl. “With thanksgiving to God, the giver of all life, my wife and I announce the birth of our beautiful baby daughter Camila Victoria Cutié,” the couple said in a statement. “We also take this opportunity to thank our family, church community and friends for your love and support.” Former Roman Catholic priest Alberto Cutié – the man who was embroiled in a scandal last year when he admitted to having a relationship with a woman – has welcomed a

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Alberto Cutie wife Ruhama Cutie give birth girl