Tag Archives: outdoor-channel

SMH: Rambling Racist Ted Nugent Responds To “Toddler Thug” Video – “He’ll End Up Dead Like His Dad”

Ted Nugent Says Swearing Toddler Will End Up Dead Like His Dad via Media Matters National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent claimed that African-Americans must “admit to the self-inflicted destructo-derby they are waging” in order to honestly celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Nugent, who recently became Outdoor Channel’s spokesman, made this claim in his regular column for birther website WND. In a column titled, “What Would Dr. King Say About Black Culture?” Nugent sought to tie a viral video of a 2-year-old Omaha, Nebraska toddler being cursed at by adults to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which is on January 20. Nugent cited this single example of bad parenting as “the tip of the black gangster iceberg” and suggested that “[s]hould the boy ever be reunited with his family of gangsters, he will either end up in prison like his grandparents or dead like his dad.” Returning to his frequently made claim that Democrats act as slave masters to African-Americans, Nugent again indicted African-American culture with the claim that, “[t]o honestly celebrate the legacy of Dr. King, black America would have to admit to the self-inflicted destructo-derby they are waging and begin to tell their liberal Democratic slave drivers to take a hike.” Obviously this douchebag’s comments are way left field as usual, but should parents of young children see red flags if they’re behaving this way at this age? Or is it too early to be overly concerned?

See the rest here:
SMH: Rambling Racist Ted Nugent Responds To “Toddler Thug” Video – “He’ll End Up Dead Like His Dad”