Tag Archives: above-the-knee

He’s Got Her Back! President Obama Prevents Michelle’s Wardrobe Malfunction

Ladies, you know how it is. The weather breaks and you want to show a little leg in a nice full skirt that just so happens to hit you right above the knee. And that’s all fine and dandy until the wind decides to expose all of your business for the world to see. It happens to the best of us. Even our beloved First Lady, Michelle Obama, almost fell victim to this terrible fate. But her husband, President Obama, being the gentleman that he is, was there to save the day… Continue

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He’s Got Her Back! President Obama Prevents Michelle’s Wardrobe Malfunction

SMH: Rambling Racist Ted Nugent Responds To “Toddler Thug” Video – “He’ll End Up Dead Like His Dad”

Ted Nugent Says Swearing Toddler Will End Up Dead Like His Dad via Media Matters National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent claimed that African-Americans must “admit to the self-inflicted destructo-derby they are waging” in order to honestly celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Nugent, who recently became Outdoor Channel’s spokesman, made this claim in his regular column for birther website WND. In a column titled, “What Would Dr. King Say About Black Culture?” Nugent sought to tie a viral video of a 2-year-old Omaha, Nebraska toddler being cursed at by adults to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which is on January 20. Nugent cited this single example of bad parenting as “the tip of the black gangster iceberg” and suggested that “[s]hould the boy ever be reunited with his family of gangsters, he will either end up in prison like his grandparents or dead like his dad.” Returning to his frequently made claim that Democrats act as slave masters to African-Americans, Nugent again indicted African-American culture with the claim that, “[t]o honestly celebrate the legacy of Dr. King, black America would have to admit to the self-inflicted destructo-derby they are waging and begin to tell their liberal Democratic slave drivers to take a hike.” Obviously this douchebag’s comments are way left field as usual, but should parents of young children see red flags if they’re behaving this way at this age? Or is it too early to be overly concerned?

See the rest here:
SMH: Rambling Racist Ted Nugent Responds To “Toddler Thug” Video – “He’ll End Up Dead Like His Dad”

Girls Run The World: Beyoncé, Alicia Keys & Kerry Washington Handle Business At Home; Kim K & Rihanna Do It Big Overseas

Work it girls… Beyoncé Knowles was seen leaving a midtown office after a long day of work in New York City, Friday… She rocked a leopard print dress with thigh high tights — nice look right? Bey wasn’t the only banger out handling her business this weekend. Hit the flip to see what Alicia Keys, Kerry Washington, Rihanna and Kim K were up to. AKM-GSI/SplashNews/INFPhotos

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Girls Run The World: Beyoncé, Alicia Keys & Kerry Washington Handle Business At Home; Kim K & Rihanna Do It Big Overseas

Raunchy Rapper Too Short Finally Charged With DUI, Felony Drug Possession And Literally Running From Police On Foot!

We knew the LAPD didn’t have any love for black men … Too Short Charged With DUI Via TMZ reports: Too Short has been charged with FOUR misdemeanors stemming from his recent DUI arrest … when he tried (and failed) to make a last minute escape by fleeing from cops. TMZ broke the story … the rapper was popped on March 20 in L.A. on suspicion of DUI. He tried to cut and run from cops, but was hauled off to jail instead, where police say they found Meth in the back of the cruiser. Too Short skated on the felony drug possession charge — since cops say they only found a small amount of dope — and the case was tossed to the L.A. City Attorney. On Friday, the rapper was charged with FOUR misdemeanors: two counts of DUI, one count of possession of a controlled substance and one count of possession of Marijuana or an open container while driving.

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Raunchy Rapper Too Short Finally Charged With DUI, Felony Drug Possession And Literally Running From Police On Foot!

Elsewhere In The World: Uganda Proposes To Ban Beyonce And Any Attire Which Exposes Intimate Parts Of The Human Body

Uganda proposes to ban miniskirts and other provocative clothing as well as BeyBey on TV ! Via Guardian UK: Uganda is considering extraordinary measures against women’s rights that would lead to arrests for those wearing skirts above the knee in public. The proposed law would mark a return to the era of dictator Idi Amin, who banned short skirts by decree. Many Ugandans are opposed to the idea and it has spawned a Twitter hashtag, #SaveMiniSkirt. The government-backed bill would also see many films and TV dramas banned and personal internet use closely monitored by officials. Simon Lokodo, Uganda’s ethics and integrity minister, defended the plans. “It’s outlawing any indecent dressing including miniskirts,” he said. “Any attire which exposes intimate parts of the human body, especially areas that are of erotic function, are outlawed. Anything above the knee is outlawed. If a woman wears a miniskirt, we will arrest her.” Lokodo, a former Catholic priest, suggested that victims of sexual violence invited trouble. “One can wear what one wants, but please do not be provocative,” he said. “We know people who are indecently dressed: they do it provocatively and sometimes they are attacked. An onlooker is moved to attack her and we want to avoid those areas. He is a criminal but he was also provoked and enticed.” Asked if men would be banned from wearing shorts, the minister replied: “Men are normally not the object of attraction; they are the ones who are provoked. They can go bare-chested on the beach, but would you allow your daughter to go bare-chested?” The likes of Beyoncé and Madonna will be banned from television, Lokodo added. “We are saying anything that exposes private parts of the human body is p0rnography and anything obscene will be outlawed. Television should not broadcast a sessy person. “Certain intimate parts of the body cannot be opened except for a spouse in a private place. “A lot of photos, television, films will be outlawed. Even on the internet, we’re going to put a monitoring system so we know who has watched which website and we know who has watched p0rnographic material.” Thoughts??? WENN

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Elsewhere In The World: Uganda Proposes To Ban Beyonce And Any Attire Which Exposes Intimate Parts Of The Human Body

Toddlers & Tiaras Mother to Auction Off Hooker Dress for Anti-Abortion Group

It’s safe to say that Wendy Dickey doesn’t shy away from controversy, or the spotlight. The mother of a three-year old named Paisley, who made shock waves across the Internet this week for donning a Pretty Woman -inspired prostitute outfit during a promo for Toddlers & Tiaras , says she will donate the scandalous get-up in question… … to Georgia Right to Life, an anti-abortion organization Dickey refers to as “Paisley’s charity.” The group states its mission as “protecting innocent life from fertilization until natural death.” Dickey stands by the outfit selection in general, and one certainly can’t argue with the results (just the disturbing concept in general of child beauty pageants): Paisley came in first. “TLC edited out the second part of the routine,” Dickey tells E! News. “We did a quick change into the polka-dot dress of the reformed Julia Roberts, a before and after. Everyone in the room was laughing hysterically. It was meant to be funny, not sexual at all. I made the dress myself! It barely went above the knee, very nonrevealing and nonsexy.” True, but that’s because Paisley is a very young child. Unless you’re the sort of sick individual who actually watches Toddlers & Tiaras , it’s not possible to find anything on a three-year old sexy. But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s dressed like a hooker!!!!!

See the article here:
Toddlers & Tiaras Mother to Auction Off Hooker Dress for Anti-Abortion Group