Tag Archives: sexual-violence

Sia Gives Maddie Ziegler A Christmasy Makeover For Her New Holiday Album

Sia has revealed the title, tracklist, release date, and artwork for her first Christmas album, ‘Everyday is Christmas.’

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Sia Gives Maddie Ziegler A Christmasy Makeover For Her New Holiday Album

Rutgers Students Share Their Stories, Speak Out Against Sexual Violence On Campus

About 2,000 Rutgers University students and former Vice President Joe Biden gathered on campus on Oct. 12 to take a stand against sexual violence on college campuses.

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Rutgers Students Share Their Stories, Speak Out Against Sexual Violence On Campus

Pro Rape Activist at Amber Rose Slut Walk As She Acts Her Way Through a Speech of the Day

Thick, disgusting, gold digging stripper from philly who doesn’t need to strip now that she’s gold dug with rappers…she’s taken her fame whoring to getting knocked up by rappers…set with solid child support for the next 18 years…. Amber Rose…. The entity that exists, but that barely exists, who has a bit of a fan base, because people are just that aggressively into “celebrity”…that they’ll even follow and identify with their talentless fat ass..as if she matters…all because rappers fucked her…That’s fucked…. But not as fucked as her…literally and figurative, who cleverly tried to embrace the “slut” she’s shamed for being, by doing a campaign, or event , or walk that I guess the LA radio promoted aggressively….because LA is ridiculous….and is basically run by the idea of raging teen girls fans…and the want to fuck them and take their money…so anyone will suck onto anything….even aspiring actors responding to a casting call…in a free performance as “Amber Rose’s Audience”…. The premise of the event: “Outrage Toward Issues of Sexual Violence, Gender Inequality, Derogatory labeling and Victim Blaming”. The reality, people call me a whore and always have, people call porn chicks and strippers whore, because they always have, we should unite as sex workers, and just girls who fuck rappers, which I guess she’s saying is like sex work, and celebrate our sexual identity, because cyber bullying is wrong…slut shaming is wrong… But EVERYONE is a fucking slut, especially this young generation, and the idea of it being empowering to get fucked aggressively by random dudes who don’t respect you, is not accurate and really just misogynistic ideals…”get banged out, it’s cool, we’re empowered, we’re girls! No man will marry you, but they’ll fuck you, they just won’t cum inside you, but they may spit on you, but don’t worry, abuse porn is totally normal kids, it’s what you need to cum, since you’ve all been masturbating to porn since you were 7, thanks Internet”…. So this generation of half retards who all want to be activists, but are also more interested in getting that selfie, and herpes, while showing their tits because it gets like, leading and running with to a bunch of flimsy politics, like “fat shaming, cyber bullying, trolling, slut shaming, etc”….. Sometimes people are fucking sluts, sometimes heroin addicts are fucking addicts…it’s not that complicated…and I’ll tell you every slut I’ve known, and I love sluts, so I’ve known alot, I just try not to stick my dick in them…always end up sad at the end of the slut train…this goes for porn people, strippers and everyday girls who fuck a a lot…they are always sad when they are honest to themselves… Also, why can’t people just be themselves, why can’t they fuck who they want, dress how they want, be teased but not listen to it, by men who apparently “LOVED” her but really just told her lies to get her to be a slut for them….why do they need to stage walks, and campaigns…accepting broken behavior… I know why Amber Rose did it, she saw opportunity, as her pussy does, in her pussy to create a publicity stunt around herself,”let’s milk these idiot kids with the fact that I fuck and get pregnant by rappers, and make it a cause”…By doing a “walk”…. Here’s the stupidity…with her talking about loving porn and that porn sluts aren’t sluts…but rather girls doing what they love…even though I’ve met pornstars and they are all sluts…and will admit to being sluts and just pretend it is empowering…to live with themselves… I hate that people need to justify their actions, instead of just dealing with people commenting on the content they put out on social media, if you put it out there, you can instil negative opinions, and the fact that you put it out there, means we can react to it, if she just kept shit to herself, and didn’t use social media for money and ego, no one would be “slut shaming her’…no one would rememberher… I hate that nothing can just be, everything needs to be rationalized, explained, justified, defended…like fuck off, live your life.. Here she is breaking down about dating Kanye, about how she did it for love because that’s what her heart and his level of fame and fortune told her and Whiz her husband who came in her life…and who she is friends with because she signed a contract to get paid out to not talk shit on him…because whores can be bought…all for calling her a stripper in one of his songs because she’s a stripper…and about some dude named Darnell who got her 14 year old ass on her knees and shoved his dick in her face…This bitch seems like the kind of girl who just doesn’t shut the fuck up… All this to say, I know these signs were handed out to the crowd…I know she’s still milking her past relationships….to get attention…it’s all she has, it’s all she’s worth, and her past relationships are the only reason she exists… “I do this for you, I do all This For You” Why do people buy into this shit. Shut the fuck up…slut…creating problems out of nothing… Amber’s mom….is the best one…holding a sign in reference to Kanye saying he needed 30 showers after Amber to fuck Kim, who had 30 golden showers from every black guy she’s ever fucked before Kanye, but he can’t say Kim’s as big a whore as Amber, it’s bad for his home life… The post Pro Rape Activist at Amber Rose Slut Walk As She Acts Her Way Through a Speech of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pro Rape Activist at Amber Rose Slut Walk As She Acts Her Way Through a Speech of the Day

Chrissie Hynde Blames Self for Rape, Comes Under Major Fire

Rocker Chrissie Hynde finds herself under major attack this week after comments she made to The Sunday Times about a sexual assault that took place over four decades ago. In short, the Pretenders lead singer says she’s the one to blame for getting raped. Saying she takes “full responsibility” for what happened when she was 21, Hynde explains: “If I’m walking around in my underwear and I’m drunk. Who else’s fault can it be?. Technically speaking, however you want to look at it, this was all my doing and I take full responsibility.” Hynde detailed how she was forced to perform sexual acts on members of an Ohio motorcycle gang after they promised to take her to a party… yet instead brought her to an abandoned house to have their way with her. “If I’m walking around and I’m very modestly dressed and I’m keeping to myself and someone attacks me, then I’d say that’s his fault,” she continued. “But if I’m being very lairy and putting it about and being provocative, then you are enticing someone who’s already unhinged – don’t do that. Come on! That’s just common sense.” The artist basically shrugged and said she didn’t think this was a “controversial’ viewpoint, but many others disagree. “Victims of sexual violence should never feel or be made to feel that they were responsible for the appalling crime they suffered – regardless of circumstances or factors which may have made them particularly vulnerable,” said Lucy Hastings, director of an organization called Victim Support says. “They should not blame themselves or be blamed for failing to prevent an attack – often they will have been targeted by predatory offenders who are responsible for their actions.” Numerous Twitters users have also called out Hynde for what should be an obvious reason: Wearing something racy may understandably subject one to a few catcalls. But that’s a very long way from rape.

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Chrissie Hynde Blames Self for Rape, Comes Under Major Fire

People Ain’t Isht!!! ISIS Tells Children Forced Into Sex Slavery That Their Rapes Are Encouraged By Islam

We cannot understand how ISIS gains support at all with these kind of tactics. What kind of woman would be glamorized by THIS type of sexual violence against women??? Via Mirror UK reports : ISIS claim that rape is part of their twisted interpretation of Islam, according to the testimony of children they have abducted and forced into sexual slavery. The Yazidis are a religious minority in Syria and Iraq and are oppressed and terrorised by the terror group- a total of 5,270 Yazidis were abducted last year, and more than 3,000 are still in their grip, according to figures within the community. A 12-year-old girl who escaped the group told the New York Times that the man who abused her explained to her that the sickening act he was about to commit was not a sin because she was not Muslim. In fact, he claimed her faith not only gave him the right to rape her – but encouraged it. After tying her up and gagging her bound her, he knelt beside the bed and prayed. Afterwards, he prayed again. The girl, who was interviewed in a refugee camp, said: “I kept telling him it hurts – please stop. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God.” Zainab Bangura, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, say sexual violence in the lands controlled by ISIS is widespread and used as a weapon of terror. “Girls are literally being stripped naked and examined in slave bazaars,” she said, describing how they were “categorized and shipped naked off to Dohuk or Mosul or other locations to be distributed among ISIL leadership and fighters.” These stories are absolutely heartbreaking. Thousands of women! Imagine all the 12 and 14 year old girls being forced to have sex FIVE TIMES A DAY against their will! ISIS has to be stopped. APImages

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People Ain’t Isht!!! ISIS Tells Children Forced Into Sex Slavery That Their Rapes Are Encouraged By Islam

President Obama & Katy Perry Effortlessly Addressed Domestic Abuse At The Grammys & We’re Here For It

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During the 2015 Grammys, President Obama shocked us all by appearing via satellite with a message about the #ItsOnUs organization that helps victims of sexual…

President Obama & Katy Perry Effortlessly Addressed Domestic Abuse At The Grammys & We’re Here For It

Elsewhere In The World: Uganda Proposes To Ban Beyonce And Any Attire Which Exposes Intimate Parts Of The Human Body

Uganda proposes to ban miniskirts and other provocative clothing as well as BeyBey on TV ! Via Guardian UK: Uganda is considering extraordinary measures against women’s rights that would lead to arrests for those wearing skirts above the knee in public. The proposed law would mark a return to the era of dictator Idi Amin, who banned short skirts by decree. Many Ugandans are opposed to the idea and it has spawned a Twitter hashtag, #SaveMiniSkirt. The government-backed bill would also see many films and TV dramas banned and personal internet use closely monitored by officials. Simon Lokodo, Uganda’s ethics and integrity minister, defended the plans. “It’s outlawing any indecent dressing including miniskirts,” he said. “Any attire which exposes intimate parts of the human body, especially areas that are of erotic function, are outlawed. Anything above the knee is outlawed. If a woman wears a miniskirt, we will arrest her.” Lokodo, a former Catholic priest, suggested that victims of sexual violence invited trouble. “One can wear what one wants, but please do not be provocative,” he said. “We know people who are indecently dressed: they do it provocatively and sometimes they are attacked. An onlooker is moved to attack her and we want to avoid those areas. He is a criminal but he was also provoked and enticed.” Asked if men would be banned from wearing shorts, the minister replied: “Men are normally not the object of attraction; they are the ones who are provoked. They can go bare-chested on the beach, but would you allow your daughter to go bare-chested?” The likes of Beyoncé and Madonna will be banned from television, Lokodo added. “We are saying anything that exposes private parts of the human body is p0rnography and anything obscene will be outlawed. Television should not broadcast a sessy person. “Certain intimate parts of the body cannot be opened except for a spouse in a private place. “A lot of photos, television, films will be outlawed. Even on the internet, we’re going to put a monitoring system so we know who has watched which website and we know who has watched p0rnographic material.” Thoughts??? WENN

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Elsewhere In The World: Uganda Proposes To Ban Beyonce And Any Attire Which Exposes Intimate Parts Of The Human Body