Messy breakups… Kenya Moore Reacts To Matt Jordan’s Threats On last night’s episode of RHOA viewers watched as things came to a head between Kenya Moore and her (ex) boyish boo thang Matt Jordan. As previously reported Matt was exposed for being arrested four times this year alone, and Kenya fought back against fake boyfriend allegations. “I’m not playing the victim, I’m fighting back,” said Kenya. […] “The only thing Matt is guilty of is acting a fool. Yet to continue to abuse me by claiming to be an actor is a joke.” Well on Sunday, viewers saw the final straw between them when Matt sent her threatening texts because she canceled his plane ticket to Peter Thomas’ Charlotte opening. Peter invited Kenya to host his shindig and she initially invited Matt, but then thought better of it and canceled his trip. Matt’s texts read; “I promise that I’m going to make it my business that you never want to talk to me again. Do anything to manipulate any situation from this point on, I promise from every fiber of my being, you’ll regret every move you make,” Kenya read to a mortified Cynthia. “Call the police: I promise you will regret it. Flirt with another guy: You will regret it. Come to me humble and open your arms.” Then she added that it looked like Matt was driving all the way to the event. SMFH!!!! Kenya tells Bravo: KM: The texts were troubling, and although we weren’t together, we were still cordial, which is why I initially didn’t mind that Peter invited him. Matt then showed up anyway and got into an altercation with Kenya’s driver. What went through your mind when Matt slapped the driver? KM: I was shocked, because it happened so fast. I have never seen him strike anyone. I knew he was angry because he drove hours to get there when his ticket was cancelled. After reading his texts, I didn’t know his state of mind, so I didn’t want any altercation. When Matt approached the car, I didn’t think it would end well. He looked inside the car and then the driver rolled the window up on him while his head was still inside. It happened so fast. I was relieved that he walked away and it didn’t escalate. Despite the altercation, it sounds like Kenya doesn’t have ill will towards Matt. Hit the flip to see what we mean.
RHOA Ruins Relationships: Kenya Reacts To Matt’s Threatening Text Messages