Tag Archives: own-exclusive

Artisanal Fishermen Given Exclusive Fishing Zones in Chile to Help Rebuild Fisheries

photo: Vera & Jean-Christophe via flickr Overfishing is (unfortunately) a perennial TreeHugger topic, but here’s a new take on how to prevent it: As Physorg reports, Chile has designated exclusive fishing zones for small-scale ‘artisanal’ fishermen, excluding industrial fishing fleets and giving the big guys there own exclusive areas. A new study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explains how that arrangement… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the original post here:
Artisanal Fishermen Given Exclusive Fishing Zones in Chile to Help Rebuild Fisheries

Facebook Wants Exclusive Rights to the Words Face and Book

In a world of libertarian ideals, why shouldn't Facebook be able to own exclusive rights to particular words. http://money.cnn.com/2010/08/27/technology/facebook_trademark_face/index.htm?hpt… added by: trut

Tat Shop Fined After Rihanna Worked the Needle

Filed under: Rihanna TMZ has learned the city of New York officially cracked down on the tattoo parlor where Rihanna illegally inked a few people back in July.The day after Rihanna made her mark, East Side Ink was issued a citation by the the NYC Department of Health for …

Tat Shop Fined After Rihanna Worked the Needle

DJ AM’s Shoe Line — Nike Won’t Just Do It Yet

Filed under: DJ AM DJ AM was about to have his own exclusive line of shoes put out by Nike — but since his passing, the sneaker king has put a hold on releasing AM’s kicks to the public.We spoke to a rep for Nike, who said AM had been working with Nike for months on a …

Continued here:
DJ AM’s Shoe Line — Nike Won’t Just Do It Yet