Tag Archives: palace-theatre

Bret Michaels Hospitalized in New Hampshire, Condition Unknown

Bret Michaels has suffered another medical scare. The 51-year old rocker, who had a brain hemorrhage in 2010 , collapsed on stage at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, New Hampshire last night. A Type-1 diabetic, Michaels had performed three songs with an “extremely low” blood sugar, according to guitarist Pete Evick, who said paramedics rushed to the singer’s aid and helped transport him to the hospital. “Bret looked at me and looked like he was gonna die,” the musician wrote in a text to Metal Sludge. Michaels has concerts scheduled for tonight in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and Saturday night in Albany, but it’s unclear if he’ll be able to make those dates. Wrote Evick in an explanatory Facebook post: In the 9 years I’ve stood next to him, I’ve never seen a look like the one on his face as if I was a complete stranger. One of the crew returned instantly to notify me that Bret’s blood sugar was extremely low. He returned to the stage only to announce that he could not continue. As you all know he is a health fanatic and fiercely monitors his blood sugar, he basically had to be dragged off the stage in his sickest of conditions. When I rushed to the bus he could barley speak, but begged me to apologize to the fans and seemed only concerned for them. In 2009, Michaels also clocked his head on a piece of scenery while performing at the Tony Awards. We send him our best wishes.

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Bret Michaels Hospitalized in New Hampshire, Condition Unknown

Charlie Sheen Bringing Torpedos of Truth to Five More Cities

With his tour dates in Detroit and Chicago selling out in mere minutes, Charlie Sheen has added five new dates to his upcoming Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option Show. The actor, who will be donating one dollar from each ticket sold to the Red Cross Japanese Earthquake Relief Fund, will be ranting and raving in front of audiences on the following dates next month. Torpedo of Truth Tour Hype April 5 : Playhouse Square Center, Cleveland April 6 : Palace Theatre, Columbus, Ohio April 8 : Radio City Music Hall, NYC April 9 : Oakdale Theater, Wallingford, CT April 12 : Agganis Arena, Boston With tickets ranging from $50-$80, the only more obvious use of one’s money is to wager it all on a Brad Womack/ Emily Maynard split.

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Charlie Sheen Bringing Torpedos of Truth to Five More Cities