Tag Archives: parents-working

Kendall Jenner is a Columinst for the Wall Street Journal of the Day

When the Wall Street Journal hires Kendall Jenner as a correspondent, you know that the nail is finally in the coffin of media, and that we’ve all gone down the clickback, instagram celebrity, road of what is relevant… The media has always been dictated by the advertisers, but when you have to hire a bootleg Kardashian, raised by the vapid whore family…as the voice of a generation…even though kids her generation hate her and what she represents…it’s almost as bad as putting her fat sister on the cover of Vogue, instead of some import car magazine she belongs on… This is what Kendall and her hired Ghost writer had to say: “I feel like I grew up too fast a long time ago. Having older siblings, you grow up around adults, so you mature more quickly. I saw my sisters and parents working every day, so I was pretty much brought up to be a workaholic. But I just turned 19 a couple weeks ago, and I’m scared to be 20—it’s the first step out of being a teenager.” Here are her being the social influencer that WSJ wants as part of their team to get some level of relevance…..Instead of breaking important fucking stories.. Garbage.. Here are some old pics of her because why the fuck not…

The rest is here:
Kendall Jenner is a Columinst for the Wall Street Journal of the Day