Tag Archives: parties-safely

Woman Puts Puppy in Bag, Posts Facebook Photo, Gets Arrested

An Albuquerque, N.M., woman put her puppy in a Ziploc bag and held it up for the camera, in an attempt to show Facebook friends how small the dog is. We know, we can’t believe it either … that someone would really do that, that she’d be stupid enough to post it online, or that this person has any friends. Puppy in Bag Photo Gets Woman Arrested Mary Snell, 44, and her son, Britton James Engel, 21, were both arrested in Bernalillo County last week once a tipster alerted police to the photo, CNN reports. Engel allegedly took the photo of Snell holding up the the eight-week-old Chihuahua, named Baby, in the bag, which was just big enough to envelop it. She later told reporters that she realized this stunt was wrong , but, well, she “couldn’t get the little guy to hold still any other way,” according to KRQE-TV. Deputies said that the position of the poor puppy – face and nose pressed up against the sides of the bag – could have easily deprived it of oxygen. Both Engel and Snell were charged with felony animal cruelty. Baby is doing fine and, thank goodness, now lives with another family member. See the original pic after the jump:

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Woman Puts Puppy in Bag, Posts Facebook Photo, Gets Arrested

Happy 21st Birthday, Miley Cyrus!

Break out the bong, raise a glass and get ready to twerk, THGers: Miley Cyrus turns 21 years old Saturday! Happy birthday, Miley! Miley Cyrus Birthday Tribute The singer, who hasn’t exactly been shy about her love for booze or pot, is celebrating the milestone by hosting a marathon of Miley-themed programming on MTV. During the day, that is. Tonight? That, we can only imagine. Will she bleach her eyebrows some more? Take a lot/all of clothing off? Stick out her tongue in a series of strange Instagram pics? Twerk? All of the above. Whatever goes down, we’re sure Cyrus will keep fans apprised. Stay tuned to her Twitter. Until then, simply join us in wishing this controversial superstar a very happy 21st birthday. Let’s hope she parties safely and smartly. Or at the very least safely. The latter might be a stretch …

Happy 21st Birthday, Miley Cyrus!