Tag Archives: past-the-blue

Welcome to American Politics, Tea Party. You have now officially arrived.

After turning the crank on my soon-to-expire laptop 3 times, my computer finally caught first gear and made past the blue zone to my cluttered laptop. Within seconds, like it does every day, Yahoo! Messenger blasted me with what it thinks is news. Simultaneously, my taskbar lit up with blue rectangles, half from conversations I didn't properly end yesterday; half from my college buddies clamoring to square away plans for this weekend's Fantasy Football draft. I was already behind. So when I went to close them all with a single click, you could imagine my surprise when I saw that there was actually a meaningful article sandwiched between a story about the Best Pancakes in the U.S. and the latest installment of Tigergate. “Message in GOP victories: Primaries reveal tea party weakness” Aside from being instantly irritated with the lack of proper grammar (all of us that were paying attention in 2nd grade know Tea Party is a proper noun and should be capitalized) the title was enough to entice me to want to know what the other guys were up to given the result of yesterdays elections. Maybe it is the cynic in me, but I really never gave any of these guys a legitimate shot. Wyoming, Utah and Idaho, aside. I am not sure if it is in the water, or just because they are so insignificant, but crazy grows wild in those isolated regions. But after suffering though the badly written prose, I couldn't help but think, “This is gonna sting come November.” I know this for a fact. I know this because, as a Liberal Democrat, I have been voting the lesser of 2 evils for years; while Republicans – my mortal enemies – have been unified under one elephant. I realize that Ross Perot helped split the vote in favor of the good guys in '92 and '96. And, I am still sincerely grateful. But comparing the commonsensical Texan, to the racist and bigoted followers of Palin and Beck, is not only unfair, it is just plain wrong. So even though the real story in this story never actually made it into the article, come November, Tea Party supporters will actually have – gasp – something in common with me. They will have to vote for the candidate they don't really want to not get the candidate they really don't want. Welcome to American Politics, Tea Party. You have now officially arrived. added by: greendiggler