Tag Archives: patch-stunts

Shay Mitchell’s Pumpkin Porn of the Day

It’s pumpkin patch season which is code for Los Angeles girls of all levels of fame going to the pumpkin patch as part of a PR campaign, to choose their Halloween pumpkin, because either the Farmer’s Market pays them to do it, or they just really feel the need to hand pick their pumpkins instead of trusting their assistants to do it….and since the paparazzi camp out there – it gets well documented…and one of the many Pumpkin patch stunts is the pumpkin titties – that Shay Mitchell from Pretty Little Liars, who despite not being household, is famous as fuck with the under 20s…is demonstrating… I feel like you can masturbate to this, because you can masturbate to anything. You’re a masturbting hero…

See the rest here:
Shay Mitchell’s Pumpkin Porn of the Day